Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I am trying to find my heritage. Hello. Are there any Native American’s with the Guy surname from Frederick County, VA (now WV)? Simply cut/paste this code on to your page. There are currently matching Chinook records at! I am trying to find out if there are pictures of her and history. Her mother was Midley/Millie. Nowedonah, brother of the noted Wyandanch, was once their chief, and on his death his sister, wife of Cockenoe, became his successor. Mandy Miller is one of our Docents and lives on Long Island in Amityville. How do I find my Chinook family in the census? at Genealogy Today. How common it is for Chinook siblings to have the same first name? Our team of seasoned experts are here to help you learn about different aspects of genealogy. They lived in the central Islip part of long island back in the way day of the 1920s . I would love to make a connection. Discovering the country from which your Chinook ancestors originated can often yield additional clues for the meaning of the surname. He is from the Shinnecock Tribe. Discovering the country from which your Chinook ancestors originated can often yield additional clues for the meaning of the surname. I also forgot to mention our family property was in Woodbridge,CT. Not including Canada it exists in one country. and you might be surprised at the answer. Would appreciate hearing more if you have any information. My Grandmother was Alice White was her maiden name. Beautiful? I live in Arizona, home to many different Native America nations. A few families make and sell baskets and a sort of brush made of oak splints; there is almost no agriculture. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. A member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, he has been a … While DNA testing cannot conclusively tell you if two Chinook ancestors were related, it can easily prove if they weren't. My cousins often called my grandfather ” Chief” I know the word ”Chief” is more often associated with the native indian tribes. He is buried in Huntington rural. ? Hello All.. Her Mother’s name was Angeline Brewster.
My grandfather, Rev. I don’t have names but would love to find a way to confirm and interact with my native family. Your web page may appear once its content has been reviewed by our editors. It is quite possible for two people with the Chinook last name to have been given that surname for entirely different reasons. Mostly in western tribes. Origins of the Chinook Surname. My grandfather passed in the fall of either 1989 or 1990. You may also find it helpful to read, "When, Why and How to Hire a Professional Genealogist. When he attended a school near the reservation he was given the name John.