It seems much better to me than getting out on the street and speaking words that might be anything to random people immediately after you receive the Gift of prophecy.Jan, 23, Hey Jan, that's so beautiful and encouraging to hear.
If we produce it, or initiate it, it’s not of God.My other thought is: why try to improve the bible’s training methods – eg, Elijah and Elisha, Paul and Timothy, Moses and Jethro?
Hey and thank you very much for your long response and for reading them.
The majority of those exercises focus on one specific channel of how God talks to us. but you've been left wondering what to do next: "Ok God, that's great.
I always give room for God to remain silent, in my theology as much as in the practices. Would that the Church as a whole would grasp this unity and love so well.
And if you walk in the prophetic without needing those exercises, that's perfect.
This will tremendously refresh and deepen our personal relationship with God. 2 0 obj
E. Prophetic activation exercises are meant to equip with practical tools for hearing the voice of God.
This is true, first, because I already outlined that we find prophetic schools in the bible. Apostolic Reformation 2. To receive daily, prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE, PROPHETIC, Permission
Activating the Seer Anointing.
wma "But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. Hey Jerry! With a thorough Bible teaching on the subject. I awoke the next morning and felt I was awake looking around the room but was unable to move. When you hear for other people, ministries, churches, let this be your focus and then proclaim the treasure He shows you. I'd kindly ask you to read my exchange with John-Olav Hoddevik in the comments above where I cover many of the aspects raised by you. I sat up and saw a cloud with a male face in the center and a thin stem of cloud holding my foot in midair.
Don't try to discern right away, just write it all down.
Of course He can make Himself heard and understood without problems and can guarantee that we understand it - He is omnipotent and knows our design. And now I'm completely in agreement with Benjamin and training others to hear the voice of God. He might not want to talk about certain subjects (I pointed that out above already), but if He doesn't want to talk about it, He will tell me. Samuel did not realize that it was the Lord's voice until he was properly instructed and actually positioning himself to listen, "Speak, for your servant is listening" (1 Sam 3:10). It's a sort of prophetic “walking aid” and God knows we need it, especially in the beginning.
Again, the issue boils down to whether or not you believe that God lets His children find the devil when they seek Him.John 10 paints a very clear picture of God's eagerness to speak to His sheep and to lead them well, and of the sheep's ability to discern God's voice from the enemy's. Get every new article sent right to your email.
HONEY PRESENCE (John 10:5).In the end, how we think about the prophetic comes down to how we think about God. Exercises aren't exempt from that and it might just as well happen in any other situation where a prophetic (or so-called prophetic) word is given. If you tell someone to prophesy, they will be compelled to...but is it from God or from their own mind.