Subscribe below to receive updates and news about Alaska State Troopers season 9. A search for illegal fur trappers in Denali National Park; an emergency call about a house fire. The episode airs at 10:00 PM EST on Space. You need to install or update your flash player. Where to Watch. A couple of lost snowmobilers; a person stranded; and a search for a dead body. Troopers answer a call about an aggressive rabbit. Division of Alaska State Troopers The mission of the Division of Alaska State Troopers is to preserve the peace, enforce the law, prevent and detect crime, and protect life and property. New episodes of Killjoys... Air Date & Time Awards & Events. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows Browse TV Shows by Genre TV News India TV Spotlight. Remember: Abuse of the image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules! S8, … New episodes of Killjoys... You have entered an incorrect email address! The episode airs at 8:00 PM EST on ABC. Trooper Dahl scans the wilderness for missing hunters in his floatplane, hoping he's not too late. This post has the most up-to-date information on the status of the next season of Alaska State Troopers as we continuously monitor the news to keep you updated. with police, and a fisherman with a suspected drug problem is detained. Wildlife Troopers Ernie Brent and Levi Duell must race on snow machines to try to cross an icy river to find a. missing pilot whose helicopter has crashed. A trooper attempts to reason with an armed man in order to avoid a violent end to a tense showdown. Troopers track down a suspect in a domestic-violence case. The Troopers return to their icy beats, taking to their snow machines to maintain order at the opening of the Fairbanks area moose hunt and venturing to the edge of the Arctic Circle to investigate an underground fight club. Officers respond to the scene of an automobile accident on a busy highway. ";visibility:hidden;display:block;height:0;clear:both}.mailster-form,.mailster-form .input,.mailster-form .mailster-form-info{width:100%;box-sizing:border-box}.mailster-embeded-form .mailster-form{margin-bottom:3px}.mailster-form .mailster-wrapper{position:relative;margin-bottom:2px;transition:opacity .15s ease-in-out}.mailster-form.loading .mailster-wrapper{opacity:.2}.mailster-form textarea.input{resize:vertical;height:150px}.mailster-form li{list-style:none !important;margin-left:0;padding-left:0}span.mailster-required{font-size:120%;font-weight:700;color:#bf4d4d}.mailster-lists-wrapper ul{list-style:none;margin-left:0;padding-left:0}.mailster-lists-wrapper ul li{margin-left:0}.mailster-list-description{color:inherit;display:block;margin-left:25px;font-size:.8em}.mailster-form-info{height:0;border-radius:2px;padding:5px;margin-bottom:4px;color:#fff;padding:9px 16px;transition:all .2s;-webkit-transform:scale(0);-moz-transform:scale(0);-ms-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}.mailster-form.loading .mailster-form-info{opacity:0}.mailster-form-info a{color:#fff}.mailster-form-info.success,.mailster-form-info.error{display:block;height:100%;-webkit-transform:scale(1);-moz-transform:scale(1);-ms-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}.mailster-form .error input,.mailster-form .error select,.mailster-form .error textarea{outline:2px solid #bf4d4d;outline-offset:0}.mailster-form-info.error{background:#bf4d4d}.mailster-form-info.success{background-color:#6fbf4d;text-align:center}.mailster-form-info ul,.mailster-form .mailster-form-info p{margin:0;padding:0}.mailster-form-info ul li{color:inherit;margin-left:0}.mailster-submit-wrapper{margin-top:6px}.mailster-form .submit-button{cursor:pointer}.mailster-form .submit-button:focus{outline:0}