!, so, protect it at all costs!
Harnessed Lightning, Abrade, and Fatal Push all look awfully silly against this deck. Contact | Blessed Alliance and Immolating Glare both rotated out of the format, so finding early interaction is key. Terms of Use | Seeing up to four cards allows you to find lands, Approach, or a sweeper. Feeds | DMCA requests | Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Complete Comment Tutorial! You’re looking to survive early, and this is your big push to making sure that you get to 7 mana for Approach. EFro also co-hosts Constructed Resources with Marshall Sutcliffe. If your first Approach of … Approach of the Second Sun: Only way to win!! Everybody is busy getting their Draft on and diving into the new Limited format, but some brave souls have decided to try their hands at discovering what a few new additions can add to previously established Constructed decks. You also have an Essence Scatter to stop some early creatures, which should help offset the loss of some of your early removal. Discord Server | Approach of the Second Sun is a great card to build around for a control strategy as the life buffer goes a long way to making sure that you stay alive to cast a 7-mana spell twice. It offers powerful interaction early and it cycles. Access to more copies protects you from discard and countermagic, but more importantly it allows you to cast Approaches on consecutive turns to win the game quickly. Approach of the Second Sun is a great card to build around for a control strategy as the life buffer goes a long way to making sure that you stay alive to cast a 7-mana spell twice. Standard* Dig/tutor for Knowledge Pool to establish a lock. Or you're waiting for seven turns after you cast a seven-mana sorcery, which seems like Fair Magic. Attention! Copied to clipboard. Plus, it can accelerate you to 7 mana! Supreme Will is your final option for countermagic, although you certainly don’t mind looking at the top 4 and it’s a great way to find an Approach after you’ve cast the first copy. Killing an attacking creature is very strong, and the ability to filter cards with the aftermath is a nice bonus on an otherwise solid card. Spellslinger 4 mana is definitely a high cost, and it’s a card that I cycle often, but that’s just more reason to have more copies later. Card draw: Glimmer of Genius proved to be an excellent draw engine, while Pull from Tomorrow offers an equiparable Blue Sun's Zenith effect, which is cool! Less removal means that a card like Farm // Market goes way up in value. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. A new option is Settle the Wreckage. Approach of the Second Sun: Only way to win!! !, so, protect it at all costs! This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. The rotation took a bit away from Approach, but it may have added much more. You don’t mind giving your opponent tons of lands—you love wiping their board! Without a single creature or planeswalker in … Dig/tutor for Approach of the Second Sun. Scrying before you draw a card gives you more looks at finding what you need.
If you’re not prepared to win before the Sun comes a Second time, you’d best be ready to lose! As an instant, it lets you keep up the many instants in the deck at all times, which is very important for this style of deck. Suggestions. Access to more copies protects you from discard and countermagic, but more importantly it allows you to cast Approaches on consecutive turns to win the game quickly. Maybeboard: Chilling Grasp and Repel the Abominable: this two cards were chosen because of the Mardu Vehicles deck, since it is way too fast to deal with it, i have to make some time until i draw a Fumigate. Terms of Use | Creature control/Removal: i rather prefer the kill/sacrifice creature more than a counterspell, so thats why we have Blessed Alliance, Fumigate, Engulf the Shore, Cast Out.