But here are 10 great ones (in no particular order) by some of the country’s most well-known pastors. Blogs, RSS, Youtube channels, Podcast, Magazines, etc. Frequency 4 episodes / month Podcast 5minutesinchurchhistory.com/.. Facebook fans 10.2K ⋅ Twitter followers 12.4K ⋅ Social Engagement 160ⓘ ⋅ Domain Authority 38ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 6Mⓘ View Latest Posts ⋅ Get Email Contact, Missouri, USA About Podcast Join Chase Replogle as he interview pastors, authors, and writing experts in my own journey to better understand the calling and the craft of Christian writing and reading. You can watch his sermons here. Location: Lake Forest, California Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Interesting note: Robert and his worship team are broadcast to millions of viewers on The Blessed Life, a weekly TV program that can also be seen online. Monitor your product name, brand, competitors, keywords, authors, or any other topics. Why you should listen: In each episode John answers a single tough theological question in about 10 minutes and in a way that’s simple to understand. Why you should listen: Robert’s sermons are practical and applicable for your daily walk. List of Best Pastor Podcasts. Our expert editorial team reviews and adds them to a relevant category list. If you want a non-celebrity pastor, I'd check out a guy named Dan Shambro - he preaches in my hometown and is one of the most Christ-exalting, spirit-filled (yet very calm) preachers I've ever had the pleasure to listen to. In this podcast one can hear interviews with pastors and everything else which needs to be known regarding them. Interesting note: John’s website, desiringGod, is a great resource bank full of articles, sermons and links to a books by a variety of authors and addressing all kinds of Christian and human issues. I’ll update this list as I receive additional recommendations. Interesting note: Andy is well-respected for his wisdom on leadership and offers a podcast series for church leaders in addition to the Your Move With Andy Stanley podcast. Listen here. These preachers have been recommended by various other preachers via social media as well as preachers recommended by the author of this article. If you attend church on Sundays, you know how those mornings can feel. e.g. Nancy Frausto will make you uncomfortable in a good way. Join preacher Pastor Bob as he teaches you the truth of the in-no-way-made-up religion of Neo-Baptism. You can watch his sermons here. You can also look up all of Skip’s teachings by verse.
Pastor of Calvary Albuquerque and author of several books Interesting note: You can download message notes and purchase small group kits created for the podcast messages. Listen here. They’re like a glass of cold water under a shade tree on a hot summer day. I highly recommend you find a diverse group of preachers to listen to.
You can watch his sermons here. Halim is the Pastor of Teaching and Theology at The Austin Stone Community Church. All most pastors see online are the churches that have grown into the thousands in just a few years, the ones that spread out around the city through multiple services and multiple campuses. You can watch his sermons here. Location: Dallas, Texas
Interesting note: Rick and his wife Kay planted Saddleback Church in 1980 with just a handful of people in their home. Each Tuesday at 2pm Dominic will talk live on Facebook to a different Christian pastor about an aspect of Christian ministry and 'what makes their heart beat.' Preachers to Listen to (Who You May Not Have Heard of), 50K Pray for Nation ‘in crisis’ to Return to God at DC March, Who Is Amy Coney Barrett?