If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission. Same the same goes for a random summer rainstorm. %���� Use hand sanitizer before eating, before preparing food, and after using the bathroom. Ransburg Scout Reservation, 7599 E Waldrip Creek Road, Bloomington, IN, 47401. Buy groceries. '/22077857662/st-in-content',
A mesh laundry bag is a perfect way for your camper to store their dirty clothes while away at summer camp. Follow Caroline on Instagram @TravelWithCaroline for photos from camp. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 36 /Length 61 >> Be sure to check and see if there is a body of water at the camp or not so you know to include it. endobj Encourage Scouts to try something new while at camp. This mat has an R-value of 5.2, so you can use it even in the winter, and it has 10-centimeter vertical side walls that make it feel like a real mattress. .setTargeting( 'aco', destinationCountryName )
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Be sure you choose the right sunscreen for kids that is easy for them to put on and keeps them protected. Making sure your camper stays hydrated while at camp is important. This camping packing list has all the essentials you’ll need for a safe and comfortable trip. var slotName = 'in_content'; Packing a few of their favorite non-perishable snacks are great for them to throw in their backpacks for hikes, or late in the evening after they have eaten dinner and are done with their daily activities. I love that this mattress doesn’t skimp on comfort despite the light weight—the fabric is super soft, and it uses a patented reflective ThermaCapture technology to trap your body’s warmth and minimize heat loss. On the top of the hill is Ransburg Scout Reservation’s entrance on the right (west). DEPARTURE DAY Pack the cooler. On the top of the hill is Ransburg Scout Reservation’s entrance on the left (east). It doesn’t have any zippers; instead, there are insulated hand and arm pockets to help you completely cover yourself, plus a self-sealing foot vent so you can regulate temperature. %PDF-1.5 .setTargeting( 'ost', window.tds.originRegionName ) .setTargeting( 'act', destinationCityName ) if ( 'undefined' === typeof window.googletagInit ) window.googletagInit = []; endobj Sunscreen and Bug Repellent: Badger Balm combines sunscreen and bug repellent into one handy cream. If it were up to the kids I hate to imagine what they would want to pack, but since parents usually handle things like the summer camp packing list I thought it was time to make your life less stressful with these summer camp packing list to help make packing a breeze. Check availability and book . .addService( googletag.pubads() );
Sunscreen and Bug … Trashbags: Always pack out what you pack in (even trash), so don’t forget the trashbags. Travel Smarter! << /Linearized 1 /L 71413 /H [ 799 138 ] /O 6 /E 71136 /N 1 /T 71135 >> She's traveled to all seven continents, jumped out of planes, and bungeed off bridges in the pursuit of a good story. Ransburg Scout Reservation is nestled within Hoosier National Forest on the banks of beautiful Lake Monroe not far from Bloomington, Indiana. Sleeping Mat, available in a double size that’s perfect for couples camping together. Biodegradable Soap: Coleman’s Camp Soap comes in spill-proof sheets that are biodegradable and can be used for hand washing, showers, and dish washing.
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Including a sweatshirt is always a smart idea. 'st-ad-3' Packing List: Ransburg-X and ATV Ra n s b u r g -X Mo n d a y E ve n i n g O ve rn i g h t e r a t A d ve n t u re P o i n t S l e e p i n g g e a r T o i l e t ri e s S u n scre e n W a t e r b o t t l e Ra i n g e a r B u g sp ra y S wi mwe a r T o we l
We encourage troops to try new adventures and activities. Chair: Relaxing, eating, and sitting around the fire are all better when you’re not on the ground. This three-season air mattress will keep you warm and comfortable even on the rockiest ground, yet it packs down to the size of a water bottle and weighs a mere eight ounces. googletag.cmd.push(function() { Sleeping Pad (Car Camping): If you’re not hauling all your camping supplies on your back, comfort is more of a concern than weight, and you can go for a plush model like Sea to Summit’s Comfort Deluxe S.I. var destinationWorldRegion = [ Don’t get caught in the great outdoors unprepared.