Drulis was hired as public information officer and then served as management specialist before becoming assistant business administrator in 2019. Rossford Finance Director Karen Freeman was honored at the September 25 city council meeting for a seventh year for her financial management of the city. "I look forward to providing strategic financial leadership and management to City departments so that collaboratively we can achieve City priorities," she said in a press release. The City is continuing to follow Ohio Governor DeWine’s safety order for the health of Ohio and the City of Rossford by requiring the wearing of masks when in any City facility and practicing social distancing for the safety of all attending. Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Former City Administrator Daniel A. Torrisi and former Finance Director Douglas A. Petix have retired, effective July 1. Oct 2006 – Present 13 years 2 months. He will begin working at City Hall on Monday, Sept. 21. 130 Louisiana Ave. Schmidt will replace Linda Nelson, who is retiring after more than 30 years as the City’s Finance Director.
DMCA Notice | The PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising beyond the first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads. He is earning $127,000 annually. Created: September 03, 2020 02:56 PM. Petix worked 24 years with the city as director of finance and chief financial officer. Council voted unanimously to approve Allyson Murray as the city administrator with an annual salary of $105,000, and Gina Schell as the finance director with a salary of $85,000. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. READ: New Brunswick police investigating shooting blocks from Rutgers. In case of error or omission, the publisher will, upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that such error or omission occurred. “Karen Freeman will be retiring. Low 47F. Michael K. Drulis, who previously served as assistant business administrator, has been named acting city administrator and acting finance director. Freeman has been with Rossford for almost 15 years. Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement by the PERRYSBURG MESSENGER JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of the advertisement published incorrectly. Schell will be replacing Karen Freeman as finance director. “We did a very lengthy search for both positions, with experts with backgrounds in municipal finance and city administration. Prior to working in the administrator’s office, Drulis worked in the Office of The Mayor, the department of planning, community and economic development and the finance department. Jen Carlson | He is earning $146,000 annually. financedir@rossfordohio.com