The flower opens with ruby red centers that fade to fushia at every petal tip. The largest outer petals (botanically known as tepals) fade and drop, leaving the pompom in the center of the flower. You will find it in the category climbing-plants of Garden Orchid and you will be redirected to Van Meuwen if you add it to your cart. It is one of the best types of clematis to grow. This lovely group of scented clematis can make useful additions to our gardens. Covered in masses of small purple, delicately scented flowers that look like blossom from July to August, this energetic climber will go on blooming until October! Large panicles of small, fragrant single pure white flowers in abundance, late summer and autumn, followed by fluffy seed-heads

15. 'Sweet Summer Love' is a pruning group 3 vine - it flowers on new growth produced each season and is a hard prune variety. The plant produces a 4-5 inch wide red-pink flower, continuously from early summer to the fall. Here are some of the best Types of Clematis you should grow! ‘Sweet Summer Love’ is a fragrant variety of clematis that emits a sweet perfume that can fill the entire yard with a soothing aroma.

Clematis Flammula found in: Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love', This superb clematis will be covered in small purple flowers which look like blossom from.. The ‘Neva’ is a perfect variety if you want lots of colors in a compact space. ‘Hagley Hybrid’ features shell-pink flowers, with a hint of lavender, which looks striking on arbor or trellis. The plant also includes evergreen and herbaceous varieties, with multiple colors, forms, and flowering seasons, though most of the plant flowers between early spring and fall. Clematis tanqutica group Bill Mackenzie; Clematis viticella type Betty Corning; Clematis Asao; Clematis Betina; Clematis Flammula group ‘Sweet Summer Love’ Clematis heracleifolia China Blue or China Purple; clematis integrifolia Olgae; Clematis Macropetala Lagoon or Blue Lagoon; Convallaria majalis ‘striata’
Its color turns purple if grown in the shade. The ‘Rebecca’ clematis opens in a velvety red flower with a yellow center. A Polish variety developed by Szczepan Marczyński, offered for sale in 2011. It is an easy to grow clematis that thrives well in full sun in moist, well-drained soil. The plant flourishes well in full sun or part shade in moist, well-draining soil.

You can find Clematis flammula ‘Sweet Summer Love’ on our partner’s website Van Meeuwen to embellish your garden.

This plant can be grown on freestanding or wall-mounted supports, as well as on natural supports and in large containers, preferably against a pale background. Sku #8992. The ‘Fleuri’ clematis is of compact nature that makes it ideal for containers and small trellises. FREE cultural instructions provided to help you gain the best from your plants. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It can reach up to a height of 5-6 feet. Grow this beautiful clematis in loamy, sandy, neutral soil. Native to Asia, they can grow well in warm climates as well. The plant displays pure white petaled flowers, with a contrast of violet to brown-tinged centers. Tekla Garland Clematis accommodates very well in small gardens and containers. It is one of the best types of clematis to grow. Write a Review. If you are looking for details on Swiss chard vs Rhubarb Difference, you are at the right place! Start pruning in late winter or early spring, by cutting all the woody stems of the previous year, keeping them just above the base of the plant. Cypripedium Reginae, the Royal Lady Slipper.

We can provide information about the addresses of your nearest stationary stores that sell our plants. This climber clematis showcases fragrant green-white flowers, with oppositely arranged leaves, from November to February. They produce literally hundreds of star-like flowers, which have a hawthorn-like perfume, attracting bees and butterflies to the garden. The plant can grow up to 34-38 inches tall and 24-28 inches wide. Large-flowering bi-colours, reds and blues, may fade quickly if planted in direct sun. This clematis variety is popular for its long flowering season, which begins in late spring, by forming red-purple flowers throughout the early fall. Nursery is located in Pruszków near Warsaw, fax: 22 722 26 63 e-mail:, Piotr Latocha PhD, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. This clematis variety displays rich blue-purple flowers all summer long.
Find all the information here! You can get the red hue by planting this clematis in the sunlight. Clematis plants are divided into three basic groups. Clematis Growing and Maintenance Tips. Don't miss any of our flash offers on Hardy Orchids and any other partner offer. It climbs up to 4-5 feet tall and flowers abundantly during spring and early summer. o nowościach, promocjach, produktach i usługach CLEMATIS Źródło Dobrych Pnączy. This variety grows rapidly in warm climates. The widest range of products has a cooperating online store near us: which accepts orders for all plants available from us.