For a consumption tax to actually work, it must tax everything. Replace the Income Tax With a Progressive Consumption Tax Alan D. Viard , a former senior economist at the Federal Reserve of Dallas, is a resident scholar at … Many states, including Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma, Ohio, and North Carolina, among others, have introduced and/or passed legislation that reduces the state’s income tax rate applicable to individuals, corporations, or both, while attempting to increase tax revenue from consumption taxes.1 Generally, increased revenue from consumption taxes comes from an increase in the state’s sales and use tax rate or an expansion of the sales/use tax base.
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�)��`�%�]d�i�� �h#����#v��l�V��r.�+��jS��x��W�iJ*� Finally, we address the consequences of such a trend and speculate regarding whether one type of taxing system may be better than another. � ?ы�R����U� It is important to note that when discussing income taxation, generally this article focuses on taxation of individuals and corporations only.
The average revenue collected by states from consumption tax vs. income tax is currently 30 percent and 41 percent, respectively. Property and corporate taxes aside, your state can collect revenue through one, or both, of the following: There are seven states that do not collect income taxes at all: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.
�#��2ٝ�̊c�(��8T5�����+N� ٧�l^-�2��Z��ľ��%��o�. In many countries, a combination of taxes on income and consumption form the backbone of revenue systems.
In recent years, a significant trend has emerged among the states regarding tax reform.
Applying for Jobs Out of State: The Personal and Financial Borders, How to Crush an Interview: 5 Tips for Interview Success, States With No Income Tax Achieve Higher Growth, The Heritage Foundation Finds, State Tax Freedom Day Arrives Much Later for Some. Please enable JavaScript to view the site. Key opportunities, trends, and challenges. In times of economic hardship, many states are looking to raise revenue solely through consumption-based taxes.
h�bbd``b`a׀�9 �� Fact: States are over spending, and need to come up with more ways to bring in revenue. © 2020. For example in India its, Rs. Print (or save to PDF) and share the bookmarked pages: One concern with consumption taxes is that they tend to be regressive, absorbing a larger share of the earnings of people with low incomes.
However, these percentages could change drastically as state collection trends begin to surface. Generally under the current system, the working poor pay very little (if any) income tax. Among them is the potential pitfall of taxing accumulated wealth that has already been taxed under the income tax. We then address the general state taxation climate and discuss specific states trending toward a system that increasingly taxes consumption.
A consumption tax essentially taxes people when they spend money. We encourage you to save to PDF using your browser's print dialogue.
There may also be Additionally, Tennessee and New Hampshire do not have income taxes, though they do tax on interest and dividends. States that do not have a broad-based personal income tax should enact one to increase equity, improve balance among revenue sources, and promote economic and budgetary stability.
In the United States, individual income taxes (federal, state, and local) were the primary source of tax revenue in 2018, at 40.72 percent of total tax revenue. 567 0 obj
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Imposing a consumption tax therefore introduces a levy on the sale of existing assets. Consumption Tax vs. Income Tax. Supporters of consumption taxes point to several advantages relative to an income tax. The tax base of such a tax is the money spent on consumption.Consumption taxes are usually indirect, such as a sales tax or a value-added tax.However, a consumption tax can also be structured as a form of direct, personal taxation, such as the Hall–Rabushka flat tax 555 0 obj
Generally, increased revenue from consumption taxes comes from an increase in the state’s sales and use tax rate or an expansion of the sales/use tax base. 1 Richard W. Stevenson, Governors Push Bigger Reliance on Sales Taxes, New York Times, January 24, 2013.
The average revenue collected by states from consumption tax vs. income tax is currently 30 percent and 41 percent, respectively. The poor would get hit twice under such a scheme.