Some beliefs—and arguments against belief—are simply incompatible with life in a liberal democratic society. . Is it true, however, that a candidate’s religious convictions should be off-limits to public scrutiny? Damon Linker. The Constitution states that “no religious test” may keep a candidate from aspiring to political office. Along the way, he clearly explains, among other topics, why the government in a religiously tolerant society must not promote a uniform, absolute code of ethics and behavior, why the conviction that America is worthy of divine attention is dangerous, and why the liberal position on the political deregulation of sex is our nation’s only hope for conciliation. Damon Linker is a senior correspondent at Because the Democratic Party's greatest strength — its extra-wide, big-tent breadth, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders holding down the party's left wing and prominent NeverTrump Republicans welcomed to join in on the right — is also its greatest vulnerability. Some voters are radical. This somewhat tautological proposition was the overriding message of Monday night. But he is a Democrat, which means that his victory would mean the end of the Trump administration and the country's return to its proper path, complete with an agenda more in keeping with its values and ideals. New York Times Book Review, Nov. 4, 2018, "The Sickness of Our Time: Is it Populism or Fascism? He is also a former contributing editor at The New Republic and the author of The Theocons and The Religious Test. Or is Michelle Obama right that imperfect Joe Biden almost doesn't matter? Damon Linker is a senior correspondent at, and has publicly proclaimed his own bias or political leaning. For Pence, I surmise, human beings are fallen, prone to temptation and sin, in a state of moral degradation.” He also spoke warmly about Biden's agenda and encouraged his millions of followers to put their faith in him as a force to advance their priorities for improving the country for all Americans. As Damon Linker further argues, too much of this has been ignored by the mainstream media.—Kevin Phillips, author of American TheocracyTHE THEOCONS is invaluable as firsthand research, alarming in its implications for the future of American freedom, and devastating as a critique of the theocratic ambitions of those who now control the Republican Party.—Andrew SullivanOne of the most necessary and admirable polemics I have ever read. Illustrated | Getty Images, iStock . I will have a very hard time thinking of Damon Linker as intolerant until he starts telling Christians that they can’t get married. The Week magazine tells you all you need to know about everything that matters.