Both men said under cross-examination by the prosecutor that they had not told alleged victims what to say or to embellish their stories. Prior to becoming Mrs. Gerald A. Sandusky she was employed by Brockway Glass Company. Learn how your comment data is processed. As staff members of an organization that counsels and advocates for victim survivors of sexual assault, it was with great interest that we watched the Matt Lauer interview with BELLEFONTE, Pa. June 19, 2012 -- Jerry Sandusky's lawyers are leaning toward putting him on the stand in his own defense tomorrow, though the final decision has not yet been made, sources tell ABC News.
24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Some were adopted at birth and others older. Amendola then called the woman's former next door neighbor who testified that she had said those exact words. Mrs. Sandusky, who winked at her husband as she took the stand, said in a soft voice that they will have been married for 46 years in September. Mrs. Sandusky did remember moments when she said the boys initiated affectionate contact with her husband.
Earlier, Sandusky's defense concentrated on undermining the credibility of his accusers, suggesting they were partly motivated by the chance for a lucrative lawsuit.
You can also subscribe without commenting. Rossman said they had not, while Leiter said they had.
SHARES. The woman said that she had not paid Bonni, a Philadelphia-based civil attorney, but that she had signed some sort of payment agreement and did not know what it said. I was on another. In spite of her unconditional support she could not prevent her husband to spend the rest of his time in jail. Dottie Sandusky bluntly denied the accusation of one accuser who told the court last week that during the Alamo Bowl she walked in on her husband trying to force the boy, now known as Victim 4, to perform oral sex on him. Progression goes on for an extended period of time... oral sex...". A poised Dottie Sandusky testified that she never saw anything sexual occur between her husband and any of his accusers. Dottie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin Gross who gave her away on her wedding day. She said the other boys that she remembered coming to house who are now accusers were very nice. Deviate sexual intercourse? Reading from psychology text book material, Atkins explained that people who have HPD act out to get attention, act seductively, crave intimacy and affection, and can make people uncomfortable by "hugging with ardor.". What had us all wondering was that the couple never had any kids of their own since Dottie was told by doctor she couldn’t get pregnant. Mrs. Sandusky's version was quite different.
She also described Victim 4, who testified powerfully about the sex abuse he allegedly endured, as "demanding, and he was very conniving, and he wanted his way and didn't listen a whole lot.". Required fields are marked *. Abusing children in their own basement?
Both investigators agreed that the men had changed their stories during the course of several interviews to provide detailed accounts of being molested or raped.
Dottie Sandusky also rejected repeated testimony by the alleged victims that Jerry Sandusky would molest them at night in the family basement, an area they said his wife never went. The couple met in Little Washington, Pennsylvania back in 1964, they kept a long distance relationship while she lived in Chicago. Corruption of minors?