The scout giving commands must say "Gray's Old Lady says..." before each command, no matter how small or trivial the command. '&tz='+ntz.getTimezoneOffset()+'&je='+ navigator.javaEnabled()};
"Four!" The main features of Scout drill are: 1. down!"
One is assumed so the scout reaches across his chest and grabs the staff with his left hand.
'By the numbers' Grays Old Lady - Calling the numbers in 'by the numbers' without saying 'Gray's Old Lady.' Three, the left hand is released and returns to the side. Tilap/Palutong, Hinto (Squad/Platoon Halt)5.
Remain immobile and silent with head up and eyes straight ahead. document.write('!-- '). google_ad_width = 728;
Squad Atten-Shun, Drill commands are best given in an excellent command voice. //-->, Activities Archery Axe, Boy Scout Axe, Saw, Forestry Axe, Saw, Knife Axe Use: Beard Axe Use: Seton Axe Use: Traditional Axe Throwing Beds, Woodcraft Bedding Materials Bicycle Maintenance Birch-Bark Torch Birds Bird Houses Blocks Tackles Purchase Blood Red Cross Broom: Camp or Witch's Buttons Campcraft Camp Hygiene Camp Planning Campfire Programs Catapult Chainsaws Checklists Chuck Box Riddance! It's much more peaceful. The leader turns around, and precedes the Patrols throughout the movements. Right TURN: Turn is made 90 degrees to the right on the right heel and sole of left foot; the left foot is brought up to the right foot to complete the turn. Tingin sa Kanan, Na (Eyes Right), E. Hakbang at Lakad (Steps and Marching)1. document.write('
Command Movement A word of command is divided into 3 parts: Introduction (this tells the young people what they are about to do e.g. It’s very important to establish a good Troop Culture. During this part complete the following sets of commands in sequence, moving on once the young people have learnt the commands (do not try to do to much at once, this could be introduced in parts over several weeks): After saying their number they drop their arm and look forward thus signaling the next scout to say his number.
Make sure each of the signals are different enough to be easily distinguished. When done right, drill also sets them up, and makes them smart and quick.