The actor – also known as Coronation Street’s Sammy Patel – played the role of Guppy Sharma – a market trader who caused a whole lot of bother for Sanjay Kapoor (Deepak Verma) – from 1995-1996. Mr Justice Fulford told McCluskie he was responsible for an ‘utterly cold-blooded and determined’ killing. Includes exclusive content, spoilers and interviews before they're seen on the site. heavy suitcase into the back of a taxi. When the driver asked him what Forecasters predict Britain will be battered by FIVE storms this winter, Forecasters have predicted Britain will be battered by five named storms - Aiden, Bella, Christoph, Darcy, and Evert - warning Aiden could hit country as soon as tomorrow, BBC viewers demand change to schedules as chilling Harold Shipman documentary airs, The BBC aired The Shipman Files: A Very British Crime Story in the wake of other documentaries and dramas recounting horrific murders on television in recent weeks, James Bulger killer Jon Venables refused parole over child abuse images. Create a free website or blog at When she arrived in the afternoon of Actor Ron Tarr died on 20 October 1997 of cancer aged 60. They didn't want to thank their servers because the food prices were so "outrageous", Batten down the hatches! tragedy as one character loses their life.

In contrast, her brother drifted between manual jobs, "On that last visit I said, ‘I’ve had enough of you’. Brother of EastEnders actress Gemma McCluskie sentenced to a minimum of 20 years in prison for her murder. “And that was it. He appeared to have been shot dead by gangsters in 1989 but returned to Walford in 2003 for a further two years, exiting for good after being murdered by his second wife Chrissie Watts (Tracy-Ann Oberman). Why Does She Date Men That Are Beneath Her? 10:31 EST, 30 January 2013 Actor Nicky Henson died on 19 December 2019 aged 74 after a 19-year battle with cancer. The show’s had its fair share of big storylines and memorable moments over the decades of course – and paid host to its fair share of characters, played by some pretty big names. Brooke Kinsella, a friend and co-star, tweeted, “Thinking of you Gemma. Dressed in black: Some 300 mourners attended her funeral at St Monica's Catholic church in Hoxton Square, east London, many struggling to control their tears, 'Hard to say goodbye': Emotional cards and flowers from friends and family paid tribute to the 29-year-old, Beautiful occasion: A large wreath of white carnations and pink roses on one of the cars spelled out 'GEM' and 'LIL GEM', Our rose: Miss McCluskie's father Tony, left, was among the mourners but her mother Pauline, who has cancer, was unable to attend because of her illness, Artist's impression: Miss McCluskie's brother Tony, 35, has been charged with her murder, Tearful goodbye: A mourner dries a tear from her face outside Miss McCluskie's funeral today. After finding her body, EastEnders stars reached out on twitter to show their love and support for the actress. You can unsubscribe at any time. He said: “I said right at the start I would stand by him and I really did mean that. Mo was killed off in 1992 but her death was not aired, with the actress having already left the soap after she was sent to live with Frank’s sister Jean. Fond memories shared will stay with me forever. Her character was 'Kerry Skinner'. hospitalised with an MRSA infection after surgery to remove a brain One of the original cast members, the actor played male nurse Andy O’Brien on the show for 18 months, having the distinction of being the first male character to be killed off after he was hit by a car in August 1986. The preliminary hearing is scheduled to happen on March 26th at the Old Bailey Central Criminal Court.

And an evil person’s killed her.”. Stand-up comedian Mike Reid – who became a favourite with EastEnders fans as Frank Butcher – passed away on 29 July 2007 aged 67 from a suspected heart attack. On March 1, 2012, McCluskie was reported to have disappeared and an investigation began.