If you are determined to be a nonresident alien, and you are expected to have federal tax withholding, your W-4 tax form will always indicate your status as “single”. Tip: You may be able to use your passport to calculate the length of any trips you took during that time. You must include the Tax Summary Report with all forms and all documents. Riverside, CA 92521, 14350 Meridian Pkwy For additional information please refer to GLACIER Brochure. The University of Texas at Austin uses a third party system, Glacier, provided by Arctic International, LLC, to assist with nonresident alien tax compliance.
All TIPS On Demand modules are available in the International Services Organization in Blackboard. For most individuals, your countries of citizenship and tax residency will be the same. If you have dual citizenship, please list the country that issued your passport used for travel and entry to the United States. endstream endobj 487 0 obj <>/Metadata 269 0 R/Outlines 457 0 R/Pages 484 0 R/StructTreeRoot 465 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 488 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 489 0 obj <>stream
For assistance in determining the correct income type(s) for each payment, please use the workbox on our GLACIER Information PDF and contact your hosting department. STEP 4: TAX SUMMARY REPORT: Glacier will provide a Tax Summary Report that will provide your tax treaty details, tax residency status, FICA tax status, and the forms and documents required to … h�ԖmO#7ǿ�_�Z�~�k�)R�zm����셕B%{����?�&��U2~�c��3��)�,�R If the person has completed GLACIER for Texas A&M University payroll, scholarship, or research fund payments, the Tax Summary Report, all Required Forms and all Document Copies must be sent to the International Tax Office.
h�bbd```b``>"��I ɺ D2���J0��2������40�"�$cR�5 �f�?6�H�9f�����X © 2020 Regents of the University of California • All Rights Reserved, GLACIER: Online Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance System. The remaining options are for other individuals who may maintain a temporary relationship with the University. Please read the information provided by GLACIER carefully, as these details are based on your individual circumstances. Austin, TX 78712-1645 View and Print Forms.
The Tax Summary Report is a document produced when you complete your Glacier record. As a nonimmigrant, you are required to have an address outside the United States that is considered your home, but you may list the address of a parent or family member overseas, if necessary. Scholars or others in a no-pay relationship with the University (i.e., there is no possibility that you will receive payments from the University) should select the option for “I do NOT have a U.S.-issued SSN or ITIN; I would like to apply for an ITIN.” This option is correct, even if you do not intend to apply for one. Enter the number of days you have been physically present in the United States, which is used in calculating your tax residency category. For J-1 Exchange Visitors, please refer to your DS-2019 to determine the correct option based on the purpose of your program/activity. Employees may also receive a W-2 Form reporting any income over the tax treaty limit that was not exempted. 2cPWR8i ���BjJi��N�@B��+����*H��BK�-��iV�6e-�v%�Х.Q�(/>|(FÃ⬙}�=W��7������Ť�OQ�k4-n7 �A�b0(Ƌy��4�` Z��� *&��R��&�*P�o�y���b�uz�N�;��8��gM;��]�&�iTƳz�F�Վ�ߪ#�S�>IS縝5ZP�n���o���������z�ެ��~��")������t�Y|��e��'S\v��'�W\=,�4�-[��n�*�� ��A��ê�ϕz�Ɩ�n����>��G"a�����:�v�!��&X�e 0�L�$`��.����k��H�,C)���*յ�m��!�Z�{i�}&(�������z��=w��⺝��v[��uwrW�6�~5ɽcU\~���CW�/Mr��_E��:ݱ�K�F6�3��s�T���x1�d�vq��p. The Glacier Tax Summary report is DIFFERENT from your tax returns.