The ground colour of its long fur varies from brownish-grey to ochreous brown above and greyish to buff below.
Our two young children are very active with the kittens from birth and will get them acclimated to noisy households with small children. [15], Marbled cats recorded in northeastern India and Kalimantan on Borneo were active by day. It is valued for its skin, meat, and bones, but infrequently observed in the illegal Asian wildlife trade. On the tail, limbs and underbelly it has solid spots. [2]
The result of this union is an affectionate, active and intelligent cat with a very unique personality. Hunting is regulated in Laos and Singapore. [12], In Borneo, it has also been recorded in peat swamp forest. Our Bengals are more than just breeding cats, … In Bhutan and Brunei, the marbled cat is not legally protected outside protected areas. Recorded weights vary between 2 and 5 kg (4.4 and 11.0 lb). [13] On the flanks it has irregular dark-edged blotches that fuse to dark areas and look like a 'marbled' pattern. You should also note the color of the coat, which is typically brown or gold in Bengal cats, but sometimes also gray, charcoal, silver, or blue. Its coat is thick and soft. Felis charltoni proposed by John Edward Gray in 1846 was a specimen from Darjeeling. The Bengal Cat has inherited traits from both the Asian Leopard Cat and the domestic cat. [4][25], "The Late Miocene Radiation of Modern Felidae: A Genetic Assessment", "First photographic record of marbled cat, "Activity patterns of the small and medium felid (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) guild in northeastern India", "Royal Manas National Park: A hotspot for wild felids, Bhutan", "Notes on the occurrence of Marbled Cats at high altitudes in Bhutan", "Marbled cat in Sabangau peat-swamp forest, Indonesian Borneo", "Small cat surveys: 10 years of data from Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo", "Possible predation attempt by a marbled cat on a juvenile Phayre's leaf monkey", "Hunting record of endangered Marbled Cat, "Notice sur la classification multisériale des Carnivores, spécialement des Félidés, et les études de zoologie générale qui s'y rattachent", "A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group", "Phylogeny and evolution of cats (Felidae)",, Taxa named by William Charles Linnaeus Martin, Short description is different from Wikidata, Taxonbars with automatically added original combinations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 September 2020, at 06:14. [4], The marbled cat is similar in size to a domestic cat, but has rounded ears and a very long tail that is as long as the cat's head and body. Our Bengals have proven genetics. Its paws are webbed between the digits and are completely sheathed. [8], Forest canopies probably provide the marbled cat with much of its prey: birds, squirrels and other rodents, and reptiles.