Use the online portal to create an account and get started. Focus Career helps job seekers who are unemployed as well as those looking to make a career move away from a current position. They are your best resource for finding your next job. COVID-19 UPDATE: Because the coronavirus pandemic has left so many Americans jobless, the federal government has given states more flexibility in granting unemployment benefits.

Unemployment insurance is a temporary support designed to last only as long as it takes an individual to get back to work.

In order to continue requesting

Kentucky unemployment insurance implements new procedures to manage influx of claims. Delays in benefits are often a result of missing important dates and deadlines. You’ll provide detailed information to determine your eligibility, such as your employment history, wages earned, contact information, and other documentation mentioned above.

The portal is available Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.. Can substitute teachers draw unemployment over the summer?

Unemployment Insurance (UI) is an employer-paid insurance program that provides you with benefits when you’re separated from a job at no fault of your own.

eligibility review.

the word “Claimant,” click on the blue link that says “Unemployment Have earned a minimum of $750 in at least one quarter of your base period, Have earned a minimum of $750 total outside the base period quarter when you earned the most, Have earned at least 1.5 times your wages in the highest paid quarter of your base period, Have wages in the last two base period quarters that equal a minimum of 8 times your weekly benefit amount. You will not receive a payment for the first week in which your claim was made. ... UI staff conducts eligibility review and processes benefit request concurrently. We will tells you more about kentucky unemployment eligibility review online, providing the insights you are looking for.

In these cases, you are welcome to apply for Kentucky unemployment benefits, but the claim is likely to be denied. UI Assistance E-mail: You will submit a log of your job search activities in each Kentucky weekly benefit claim you submit. I have been trying to get info on my unemployment issue since I lost my job in April 5th.

The first step is registered for Focus Career on the Kentucky unemployment website.

As in other states, eligibility for State of Kentucky unemployment insurance benefits is not based on need.

In addition to these two characteristics, you must also maintain an active job search in an attempt to get reemployed as quickly as possible. This type of employment generally occurs through lay off or company closure. Build or improve your professional résumé with an easy-to-use wizard.