Next event up is "MEMBER/GUEST BEST-BALL," on Saturday, June 6. Two-by-two for awhile, crocodile. k$�!%�Ӱ!DWF̅gsd�!I�ΰ��;��$��(܈�pA)v\x��ꠄ7�s�!�1"�O,r�t����m�T0 endstream endobj startxref <> Happy Golfing!! You can become a member of the Men's Club by clicking the link below. We paid out almost $30,000 last year in our weekend events plus the side game money. About - LAKE PADDEN MENS CLUB. New members are always welcome. The club is open to all women who enjoy golf. Lake Padden Senior Men's Club

Our clubs and leagues bring people together on the course in a unique golf relationship.

We have a mix of fun team and individual events. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] New members are always welcome. /StructParents 3 JOIN US. LAKE PADDEN MENS CLUB. Come out and join this fun group. x��=ۊ,9r��?��z�r$��LA�P]ݵذ`�?,~2�}il�?X!EH����NV�3s�Ofg��k~�����o>���A����χ���������C��7���y�v>�^���Ʌ���������?�6�Ɓ���5)�'hsP���^��?��珷�����ZO�~�+̩��������~��8�&�M�8u���yQJ������z~]��/�yu���_m|H��S�|]�]�?^�Ѡ^����?�����O?|y�n��0O��N˝�˫qKZB\�1/֡�{�?��J�B8�x1o,���W�����˫���t6�����3�����qN���-.B��zq0D^�����_T�d�����.�O�����W=�q�8���Ie���c�n2��| ^~�K;�5]��� |a��fG$�k�b�|�CFXe^* Additional prize money and great individual event to test your skills against the competition. Download the free USGA Rules of Golf app for iOS and Android here. The golf clubs at Lake Padden Golf Course consist of the: There are two clubs for women: The Women's Club which plays in the mornings and the Ladies Twilight League which plays in the late afternoons. You're never considered just a green fee at Lake Padden. Beginners should consider having some lessons before joining. LAKE PADDEN MENS CLUB. The annual meetings are in March and September. /Font <>
We'll discuss the scoring format and other issues. We still have room for more teams. ?N*�0s�A}9�A��f, @��c0\��t:G�0��� ?HaJD�e�".+�كf��?��?ԇi&'Y� h'9�g����Ruge�*�dխ��i��u��x�S�0����F~eH�n?���N�7[�����Q��a�!1s|R]��ٓh����R�Zh�@Jh�2U�� ���B�sO҉3-i���D���Lj]!����6i���,�� l�^�gOY̴�u�u|��N�������+��wD��M�JĶ�I�K�C �sմ?P��@-�Qv9B��Ʉ�:�R8~��$At��F,*�i���U�C�ZD������QgL���1_t+�`���D$��O��u����0w��榳�t�S�І#��F~e��ˎ��sA)��6G�g��j-���t If you think your ball is lost, replay the shot with a provisional ball. If you have a team, we will have a aptains' meeting at Lake Padden's oyote Grill, on Wednesday, March 18 at 6:00 PM.

Lake Padden Men's Club. WA Golf is committed to providing our golfers with opportunities to play and develop their passion for golf no matter their skill level.

%PDF-1.7 %���� By cameron. 1) NO POINT OF ENTRY (like it says on the scorecard). 2 0 obj New members are welcome! Tournaments - Click here to view the 2020 Tournament Schedule. %PDF-1.7 %����

New members are always welcome. >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Premier Golf Centers LAKE PADDEN MEN’S CLUB NEWSLETTER, SPRING 2020 Twilight League is forming for the 2020 season. The Lake Padden Men's Club is one of the most active golfing Men's Club's in the Northwest! h�b``�f``�a`e`|x�A��X��,S00��I|h���$T� ����Th��� Vl�@Z�eA�j�-��p/��`����R�Q�@����2��ܭj��0�p:.

The Registered Agent on file for this company is Lake Padden Men's Club and is located at 4882 Samish Way, Bellingham, WA 98229. The Washington National Men's Club is a group of dedicated players that enjoy friendly competition and the chance to meet new golfers. Score cards for each tourney are created the Friday morning prior to each event so it’s very important that your entry be in and paid for by the Thursday, 5pm deadline.