and in refusing to do so, we will castrate and nullify your unconstitutional legislations and render them useless! 0 Likes, Carrie Cody Lucchese It is the duty of the citizen’s militia's to protect and defend the unalienable rights of all members of their communities. We desire peace, but not at the cost of our liberty! A welfare state, after all, is a fundamentally nationalistic enterprise, and it is frequently justified on those terms: invidious comparisons to the allegedly superior amenities offered by rival states; claims about obligations to fellow Americans that would be nonsensical without an important, and binding, national identity. In addition to the outlines in the above section entitled Prohibited Commentary and Exploitive Commentary we have a few additional policies regarding comments and posts within the Forum areas; It is important to remember to be as clear in your intent as possible while communicating on the internet. Before Adding a Discussion, search the discussion categories. Eastern Washington's Antifa Problem: 3 Percenters have Infiltrated Antifa, "[RED ALERT] CDC ASKING TO KEEP SCHOOL CHILDREN OVERNIGHT, TREY GOWDY HAS THE SHARP EDGE EVEN SHARPER, URGENT-ABRUBT CORRECTION NEEDED TO CANCEL BIG LIE, Seven Pillars Of A Color Revolution Volume II, All threads started within a specific forum and all comments within those threads should be relevant to the forums Title. 2 Comments 5 Replies Patriotism on Broadway. We are here to help restore our country, Not fight with each other. Text communications do not afford a clear representation of sarcasm.
0 Replies 1 Like, Started by Oldrooster in MILITIA RELATED ONLY!. If you're here or near, we want to talk to you.
Militias are State based, and sovereign to each state. 0 Replies Patriotism on Broadway. Your Bibliography: Kennedy, J., 1961. We welcome Religious members and groups. Nationalism channeled that groupish instinct into the nation-state. Last reply by Melissa Sep 13. 2016. Which means we desperately need the flag, and the anthem, and all the other common symbols that are light on politics or military fetishism and heavy on symbolism. ~To suppress domestic insurrections and violence, by supporting and assisting the appropriate Officers of the Law in upholding and maintaining law and order in accordance with such Local, State, and Federal statutes and laws that do not present jeopardy to our God given rights as acknowledged in the United States Constitution! Your Bibliography: Wallace-Wells, B., 2016. American political theorist John Schaar, for instance, referred to American patriotism as “covenanted patriotism,” a form of patriotic attachment characterized by a commitment to the principles and goals set out in the founding covenant and the duty to carry on the work of the Founding Fathers. Give a Gift, Added by Ed LeStage