She continues to support several Not for Profit organisations to develop and improve their governance responsibilities in our local area. In addition to The Table of Plenty, she is a member of the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce board of directors, and is past chair … Donald “Skip” Smith is Pastor of the Berwick Methodist Church, where he has been appointed since 2012. He is a member of the Christian praise band GRASP where he plays guitar and drums as well as lending his voice. Wayne has a doctorate in governance from Southern Cross University, NSW, Australia, having researched board diversity on NZX50 boards. He is currently a director of the Bay of Plenty Magic Netball board and is the Digital Manager for Timberlands. Cheryl Klausman is co-founder of The Table of Plenty; a vision shared with Rev. She works currently as a Chaplain at York Hospital. He is a strong advocate for the organisation and is keen to contribute to the committee’s development of a local program that is relevant to all levels of directorship.
We have a young daughter, and are in the midst of starting our own blueberry business. European Union awards two grants to Plenty Belize, Single Mom receives grant to start business. Deidre Prescott serves as Secretary. Mr. Ignatius “Gomier” Longville, Owner of Gomier’s Health Food Restaurant. By using this website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy. Prior to retiring in 2003 from her position as Director of Budget and Finance for the Division of Developmental Services, Ms. Prescott’s had worked over 40 years in the government sector. Ms. Landry has been actively involved in numerous public health initiatives including Strafford County Public Health Network’s first-ever Community Health Improvement Plan (2015-2017), in which she was the primary author.
For example, a board member who profits from his or her service on a board of directors may put the entire company in jeopardy. She resides in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and is most proud of her bright, handsome, and very successful son, Anthony. In 2014, he received the Bay of Plenty Export Achievement Award. These two organisations providing executive experience in both regulated and public sectors. Annabel is keen to contribute positively to the local Branch and support the Committee to deliver a programme that provides for members needs and success. His sports governance began in 1998 on the Rugby Southland board, of which he was chair from 2007 – 2009. Sam was the runner up in the Institute of Directors Bay of Plenty Branch Emerging Director Award 2019. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in health communication from Granite State College, and earned a Master’s degree in public health from the University of New Hampshire. Graham was chair from 2007 to 2016 when he retired from the board.
Ms. Joan Palma, Toledo District HFLE Coordinator and Chairlady of the Toledo School Feeding Program Committee. Luckily he was happy to move back to New Zealand with me. In 2001, a second community kitchen opened in York. Being a part of the IoD, BOP Branch for over six years, bringing with her a range of skills in governance, strategy, finance and business development gained as a commercial banker in Rotorua. It is also a pre-requisite to becoming a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors. Leisa Smith is Lead Clinical Dietitian at York Hospital, where she has been employed forever. He believes strongly in the benefits of creating a sustainable environment, to support and achieve growth aspirations for businesses, community and the region.
Cheryl retired recently from MSAD 60 where she worked in an elementary school located in North Berwick, Maine, where she also resides. She has a diverse background which started with completing a PhD in Earth Sciences and works as an academic, in education and in business. With a passion for success in SME governance and business growth, Kim is involved in several industries that align with her key values, - primary industry, construction and health. Both Cheryl and Kari recognized in the area an unmet need where individuals could go to receive a free meal with no questions asked. Wayne is Managing Director of Pacific Advisory Group (NZ) Ltd, a company that provides consultancy advice in a number of areas including governance and risk management. He resides in Rochester, New Hampshire. I have been told by several members that I am ‘the face of the local IoD’. In 2015, The Table of Plenty prepared and served over 12,400 home-cooked meals to more than 9,300 individuals. The Company Directors' Course (CDC) is the benchmark for directors and senior leaders reporting to boards.