One of the sources of revenue to local governments is income from their commercial activities. a big part. License and internal revenue; registration and license fee, arms and ammunition license fees, Interest and repayment;interest and repayment of loans granted to state government and government workers, Rent on government properties;rent of government offices, federal government land fee, rent on government vehicles, Armed forces; sales of small weapons, sales of armoured tanks etc, Miscellaneous;all other income not mentioned, Statutory allocation;  this is the grant from the federal government  to the state government, Interest and repayment of loans and granted to workers, Statutory allocation from federal government, Give five sources of revenue to the federal government,, Schools in Niger State To Resume For Third Term October 4, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the current Education system, International Merit Scholarship: University Of Memphis, Lagos State Government Launches N5 Billion support Capital for Education Sector, Bauchi reopens primary, secondary schools.

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"�����&0[ DrE��W���������%� 6�)�4F0� ��7�"e��曀H�# RI,�l>��� ��,�Dr����b����π�a��20����Hs�?Á� ��� In addition, unlike provinces, municipalities are expected to charge for most of the services they provide. This refers to levies imposed on the residents of local governments as a means of generating internal revenue. digitally democratizes access to education content for Nigerian Students and Teachers. Local government authorities can also generate revenue apart from the statutory allocation.
Federal; State; Local; The sources of revenue will be analyzed on the basis of level of government. a number of sources. h�b```�;l|�@��(���1�8���p�Y�qf7 w��0eN|'O3^�dq�V�48�X�*�;0�Vtt00��0)&CA��@&�=@���. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
They have ranged between 0.6 and 1.0 percent of GDP since 1965 (figure 3). endstream endobj startxref endobj

%PDF-1.5 %���� The federal government also collects revenue from estate and gift taxes, customs duties, earn-ings from the Federal Reserve System, and various fees and charges. In total, these sources gen-erated 5.0 percent of federal revenue in 2019. Equitable Share. Individual Income Taxes.