SARS and treasury officials, together with consulted experts, directed Africa Check to annual tax statistics and budget review data as the best tax-related information.
explained that assessed income tax refers to the tax paid by individuals who submit income tax returns and pay provisional tax. Provisional tax refers to tax on income earned from anything other than “remuneration, an allowance or advance” as described in the Tax Act. There were 1,821,394 individual taxpayers who earned more than R250,001 per year. South Africa's tax-to-GDP ratio in 2017 (28.4%) was higher than the average of the 26 African countries in Revenue Statistics in Africa 2019 (17.2%) by 11.2 percentage points and … By making any contribution you agree that, in addition to these House Rules, you shall be bound by Africa Check's Terms and Conditions of use which can be accessed on the website.
Required fields are marked *. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Minister’s math off, Did Kenya spend all borrowed money on development as Kenyatta said? The report aims to “present comprehensive tax revenue data in a manner that will complement and help contextualise economic and demographic data provided by other publications”. of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, The Global Revenue Statistics Database provides detailed comparable tax revenue data for African, Asian and Pacific, Latin American and the Caribbean and OECD countries from 1990 onwards. La base de données mondiale des statistiques des recettes publiques présente des statistiques comparables et détaillées sur les recettes fiscales pour les pays d'Afrique, d'Asie et du Pacifique, d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes et de l'OCDE à partir de 1990. However, in principle the figures are reasonable.”. Even though the fact was checked to be correct, you still make deliberate errors and try to sway the attention of the reader.
well-established methodology, for OECD member countries.
No. 1 976 674 (40.2%) of assessed taxpayers were registered in Gauteng, of which 636 460 lived in the Johannesburg Metro and were taxed on an average taxable income of R446 838. The deputy CEO of a South African non-governmental organisation recently tweeted that close to 80% of personal income tax is contributed by 1.7 million individuals.
Minister’s math off, Next report Did Kenya spend all borrowed money on development as Kenyatta said?
Assessed taxpayers owed SARS R268.5 billion for 2015. Professor Matthew Lester, a faculty member at Rhodes Business School and also a member of the Davis Committee, suggested we consider revenue estimates in Treasury’s Budget Review. Guide d’interprétation des recettes non fiscales dans les Statistiques des recettes publiques en Afrique, Africa: Urgent action needed to mobilise domestic resources as tax revenues plateau, Afrique : Alors que les recettes fiscales plafonnent, une action urgente est requise pour mobiliser des ressources intérieures, Statistiques des recettes publiques en Afrique, Revenue Statistics in Africa 2019: Key Findings, base de données mondiale des statistiques des recettes publiques, Travaux supplémentaires de l’OCDE sur L’Afrique, SPECIAL FEATURE: The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and its impact