The president's handling of the coronavirus will likely dominate much of the discussion. Follow her on Twitter at @natalie_allison. But some debates have mattered: most famously, a turning point in the 1960 race was when John F. Kennedy was perceived — at least by TV viewers — as outdueling Richard Nixon. TEDxNashville will host a collection of talks on Belmont’s campus that will be streamed—$10 tickets are available on Eventbrite. In the summer of 2020, creatives from all over the U.S. were invited by faculty in Belmont’s Watkins College of Art to create a Unity Flag in order to promote empathy for bipartisanship in a time of political unrest. Sponsored by Belmont’s O’More College of Architecture and Design and led by Nashville-based creative consultant Libby Callaway, a four-week program on White House Style will launch next month. The series not only explores the wardrobes of modern inhabitants of the White House, but examines how a broader sense of personal style has elevated the images of the 53 couples who have lived there over the last 289 years. Oct. 21: Habitat for Humanity: A Home for Everyone.

Conversation is essential to community and citizenship, and dialogue is essential to democracy. "That's the only thing he knows how to do. In addition to the opening session with the White House Historical Association’s Lina Mann, additional programs will cover White House interior design, the White House kitchen and First Couple fashion. Find event and ticket information. But the impact of the debate — or the two that follow in the weeks ahead — remains unclear. This wins, probably, it's 50% of it. The first presidential debate, when the incumbent President Trump will face off against Joe Biden for the first time, was to be held on Tuesday, September 29 … He doesn't know that many facts.". Belmont University awarded final 2020 presidential debate. "This guy doesn't have a clue. And in 1980, Ronald Reagan was able to reassure nervous voters that he possessed a presidential temperament when he delivered a winning performance against incumbent Jimmy Carter. Purchase tickets for the The Impeachment of President Donald Trump: A National Debate and get started planning your next fun basketball outing by using our website. And Trump, with only 35 days to change the course of the race, will have arguably his best chance to try to reframe the campaign as a choice election and not a referendum over his handling of a virus that has killed more people in America than any other nation. Reach Natalie Allison at Conversely, the Trump campaign has played up the magnitude of the duel, believing it will be a moment for the president to damage Biden and recast the race. Eventbrite - The Greater Katy Area Repubicans presents President Trump Debate hosted for Fort Bend GOP at Alamo Draft House - Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema LaCenterra, Katy, TX. Sept. 24: White House Style—A Four-Part Series. Join us virtually as we dig into topics including civil engagement in a time of divisiveness, using our differences as our strengths, the impact of a new era of media and more in this historic TEDx event. Want to read more stories like this?

2020 The Impeachment of President Donald Trump: A National Debate Event Schedule We are proud to offer sports fans the best The Impeachment of President Donald Trump: A National Debate seats available for the most affordable prices. Here are Belmont's descriptions of each event: Now through Dec. 11: The Unity Flag Project. Fujimura was a presidential appointee to the National Council on the Arts from 2003-2009, and two of his books, Refractions and Culture Care, were written during that time. The opportunity boosted Belmont's national profile, serving as a "transformational moment" for the university and coinciding with significant growth there and in Nashville, Fisher has said. Free updates, discounts and hot events in your area, sent right to your email! But Trump — never a polished debater, though a commanding presence on stage — has done little in the way of formal preparations, which may mean he is walking into his own trap. Belmont’s Kennedy Center for Business Ethics welcomes NPR National President and CEO John Lansing for a conversation about integrity in journalism. In 2012, Mitt Romney crushed Barack Obama in their first meeting only to falter in the rematches.