Experience Webelos activities at a Boy Scout Camp! Certain programs will be available for Den Chief each week. Watch the Parent Portal video guide for Pack Leaders, Watch the Parent Portal video guide for Parents, WEBELOS EXPLORATION CAMP PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS. See the Webelos Resident Camp Registration Process Each Pack, Den, or family attending must turn in a Texas Camp Adult Roster prior to arriving at camp. Webelos Resident Camp Registration Process, Evening programs like campfires, skits, and songs, Unique Honor Camper & Recognition Program: The Tribe of A'chawiâ. CSI Resident Camp Activities: If paid on or before May 30, 2019. Camp Wyandot used to host Scouts BSA Resident Camp, so it is a full-featured camp that is bigger, better, and has all the program areas that Cubs lust after. Click here for the BSA Medical form needed for Resident Camp.
Date/Time. They can rappel off the climbing tower, shoot air rifles rather than BB guns, and jump on the giant Blob launcher in aquatics! An adult camping partner, must accompany each “Explorer” camper, in accordance with BSA’s Cub Scout Family Camping rules. Two Webelos sessions and two Cub Scout sessions are available. Every adult and youth camper must have a completed BSA Medical form, Parts A, B, and C. This form does require a doctor’s exam. Our exciting Webelos Programs are packed full of fun activities for youth and adults at Camp Freeland Leslie and at Camp Big Timber.
Each Den is encouraged to register one Scouts BSA Den Chief for FREE to assist with the Den. (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) twist!
Leaders and parents should keep the water toys, except during designated water battles. Late Fee Price: $135/adult (if not paid in full two weeks before camp). Scouts should plan to wear their uniforms. An early discounted price will be available if paid in full by May 1. Here's how to use it as you register for camp. Try our fleet of new Sit-on-Top Kayaks. A Scout's years of being a Webelos or Arrow of Light Scout are some of the most crucial in their Scouting career. We will continue to update as necessary our event, camp, and training calendars and our recommendations to units as we receive new guidance from our public health leaders. They will not be required until after May 1, but you can enter them at any time.
If you have previously attended Cub Resident Camp, then Webelos Overnight Camp will offer new and exciting programs as you continue on the Scouting trail. Webelos Resident Camp 2019; Webelos Resident Camp 2019. Rather than traveling around as a Pack or Den all day, Webelos get to choose their morning program as an individual. 300 Lake Air Dr. Waco, TX254-772-8932, © 2014 Boy Scouts of America - All Rights Reserved. Register. Packs will need to maintain 2 deep leadership but it is requested that you bring 1 adult for every three boys. If paid on or before May 30, 2019. There are two ways to register Cub Scouts and adults for Resident Camp. All adults (18 and older) must turn in a completed Camp Adult Info Form to the Camp Director on arrival at camp. High adventure on a 10,000 acre lake! Scouts will need to provide their own tents. Cub Scout and Webelos Camps help you bring outdoor fun and learning to your Cub Scout summer at Camp Tahuaya near Belton. Individual reservations and fees are accepted until the late registration deadline. Areas like our climbing and rappelling tower, full archery and air rifle ranges, campfire amphitheater and large lake are huge hits. All meals, eating utensils, program materials and equipment are provided by the camp for each camper. Safety of our campers is of paramount importance. Lake Erie Council is doing something unique that you won't find at any other Webelos camp. Each Pack may register one (1) Den Chief for free! © 2020 BSA - Las Vegas Area Council, Built By: Submit an inquiry online or visit us at the Donald Reynolds Scouting Resource Center. Your Pack can earn FREE leaders for bringing Webelos to camp!