Plus make you feel energetic and great! Session plan: After reading the story students discuss their favorite foods, healthy foods and how food can affect their body. I don’t know about you… but I want to live to see 100 years old and be healthy, vibrant and have all my marbles. Food teaches us to celebrate, appreciate, and love. PreK-K, 1-2, 3-5 K. Genre. Would you put mud and dirt into your gas tank?
But really think about it… most American’s today… LOVE TO EAT! Of course we need to eat to have our bodies function… but nutrients also contribute to our physical appearance. But what does it mean to eat well? Download the session plan: WhyShouldIEatWell, The Oasis Institute A story from my trek in the Himalaya’s…Who has more on their backs, the Porters or us? Sign up now!! Make a conscious decision to EAT TO LIVE… not LIVE TO EAT. 3-5. Why?
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, By Mike Gordon, Claire Llewellyn. She recommends eating more foods rich in the proteins (specifically amino acids proline and glycine) that help build collagen, such as meat, fish, dairy products, soy, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms and wheat germ. Why Should I Eat Well? Most of us celebrate holidays and events with food and drink. You are either cleansing or clogging your body. An improper diet can cause us to look tired and fatigued, older, over weight and our hair, skin and nails look dried out… whereas healthy foods can add shine to our hair, help our skin and keep us looking young and vibrant. TM ® & © 2016 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. In Health is Wealth by Paul MelellaSeptember 16, 2016Leave a Comment. What should I eat?
Episode 19 – Mastering the game of life and leaving no stone unturned, Episode 17 – What It Takes To Reinvent Yourself – You Have Infinite Power, Episode 16 – Keeping things in perspective over the holidays – You Have Infinite Power, Episode 15 – How to build a world class staff with Master Michael Mertens- You Have Infinite Power, Who’s in your head? So… WHY DO YOU EAT? All Rights Reserved. Monica doesn’t eat well because she constantly eats food with a lot of sugar and fat. The proper food and nourishment helps us create a strong internal environment that helps prevent and fight disease.
We must continue to think and continue with good eating habits as adults… if not… our bodies will grow old and create disease in our bodies…resulting in living shorter or unhealthy lives. Cleansing foods will not only take care of us internally… but it will also take care of our exterior body such as hair, nails and skin. “Why Should I Eat Well?” (ages 4 and up) is an educational and engaging book about a girl named Monica who makes a new friend (Rachel) who has a very healthy diet.
I call this making an Internal Deposit into our Health Bank Account. What we put into our bodies… will affect our external body.
Take a look at the six basic reasons why most people eat. books help them discover good answers. St. Louis, MO 63146