Muskie finished a distant fourth with 10 percent. Election Maps.

Margin of Victory Map. John Hospers got one electoral vote by a Virginia faithless elector..

Run what … States Choosing Electors using Congressional District Method: Show Map Link (for use in forum posts only), Calculator for Another Year: google_ad_slot = "8190975221"; As the race grew more intense, political observers began to doubt that, with 11 names on the Democratic ballot, anyone could win a clear victory. 520: Nixon: McGovern: 17: 520: 17: 270 Electoral Votes Needed For Majority.

Electoral College Vote Calculator and Map Generator. 1972 Electoral Map The 1972 US Presidential Election The electoral map shown below depicts the results of the 1972 U.S. presidential election in which Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern.

Popular Boundaries. Muskie, with 9 percent, lost his front-runner status.

Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Use Simplified Version of the Electoral College Calculator.

1988  1984 

American presidential election, 1972 Results of the American presidential election, 1972. United States presidential election in Minnesota, 1972, United States presidential election in Minnesota, "Office of the State Of Minnesota Secretary of State", "1972 Presidential Election Results, 1972",, United States presidential elections in Minnesota, 1972 United States presidential election by state, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 September 2020, at 05:39. For many, unfairly or not, McGovern came to symbolize a candidacy of radical children, rioters, marijuana smokers, draft dodgers, and hippies.

He excoriated his old Senate friend for his expensive ideas on welfare and his desire to cut the defense budget. Surprisingly, Wallace finished second with 22 percent, buttressed by the fact that some one-third of the state’s Republican voters crossed party lines to vote for him. No boundaries overlaid. But that success overrode the much more basic process that was taking place: the Democratic Party was tearing itself apart. The new electoral map, proposed by the CPRDE, increased the number of electoral divisions from 108 to 110 and was used for the general elections of … He was even more successful in the nonprimary states, where his devoted followers made certain that delegate-selection caucuses voted his way. Nixon carried 49 states and 60.7% of the popular vote. Their plan called next for intensive work in Massachusetts, considered the most liberal state in the country, where they could expect courtesy if not outright public support from Sen. Ted Kennedy. Calculates electoral vote results for any election year (1840 - 2004) and produces results map. Senator Humphrey was second, with 18 percent, and got the few remaining delegates. google_ad_width = 468; The popular vote and names of major candidates that did not get any electoral votes in each election can be found on the Elections Page. Mounting the bed of a truck parked outside the offices of the conservative Manchester Union Leader, the state’s largest newspaper, Muskie launched an attack on the paper’s publisher, William Loeb. The guidelines worked, but they also functioned to diminish the participation of many longtime Democratic Party workers. Gov. Communist Party of the United States of America, Presidency of the United States of America, Maps of World - U.S. Presidential Election 1972, History Central - United States Presidential Election of 1972. 1980  1976  The electoral map shown below depicts the results of the 1972 U.S. Source for this data: NARA's Electoral College Pages 2008  Election Maps, designed to help the understanding of the electoral geography of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was held on Tuesday, November 7, 1972. The margin was not as large as McGovern had hoped for, and the bitterness of the fight, together with the effectiveness of the Humphrey charges, had not been lost on the silent watchers at the Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP). 2016  google_ad_client = "pub-0687912793306137";

Humphrey closed fast in May and early June, but the McGovern organization held on.