Not So Massively: The dos and don’ts of stealing from single-player games. APB Reloaded has announced that the upcoming big engine upgrade is finally ready to go into open beta. Ultimately, the team at Little Orbit is focused on the Unreal Engine upgrade, which is described in the post as a primary focus of both the devs and players, and it looks like there’s some genuine forward progress to report on that front. After about an hour all of the feeds will hand everyone off to the Little Orbit Twitch channel (, where I'll do my best to answer your questions and talk a bit more indepth about the upgrade and the upcoming timeline. Joker mystery boxes will be retired with APB Reloaded moving away from loot boxes that give garbage the player doesn’t care about. MMO Week in Review: The week Bethesda got bought, One Shots: Amnesia and shipwrecks at level one, Perfect Ten: Older PC games that would make for great MMOs, Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG zones of all time, Vague Patch Notes: The community is and is not the MMO, Perfect Ten: Ten really great races from MMOs, Massively Overthinking: The undeath of the MMORPG genre.
The Daily Grind: Which musical act do you wish would show up in your core MMO? 6 months ago I decided that the community had been kept in the dark too long about the Engine Upgrade. Usually, the companies fix the issue and thank the Grey Hat for pointing it out and don’t do anything more than that. That is a few and far in-between thing (and a dumb thing to do at that, people still test the system, punishing them just makes it so people won’t report stuff to get it fixed). Other companies likely would have at least taken down the screenshots if not taken action against the player even with them reporting it. Engine update anywhere near 10 years later? I doubt the engine update is ever comming, and I am not saying that as some stupid "engine update in 2099 hue hue" They said it would come in 2013 and it's 2017 now. Timing for these updates is nebulous based on a variety of factors, but these items are on the radar. Players of APB: Reloaded have been patiently awaiting the game’s long-awaited engine upgrade, but as with any sort of big update not everyone is actually awaiting all that patiently. APB:Reloaded allows you to play your way in two large city districts, multiple multiplayer game modes and a progression system filled with rewards, equipment and cash. APB Reloaded is also on that 2020 roadmap kick that’s hotter than the battle royale subgenre lately. © Valve Corporation. Over the weekend, developer Little Orbit held a beta test for the new-and-improved engine upgrade of APB Reloaded with 15 streamers duking it out among each other in a firefight. Paying the rental fee unlocks for 7 days. The Daily Grind: What has your biggest MMO Kickstarter disappointment been to date?
This was a bit difficult to manage, because many of these are controversial figures in the community, but I didn't want to get into the politics of approving or denying streamers. Wisdom of Nym: What awaits Final Fantasy XIV’s Norvrandt in the future? From what i read, the beta is a waste of time, and the reason is because they only plan to release the engine upgrade beta for Asylum and not the other two map districts. Beta period begins June 27 from 11-2p.m. For now, players interested in seeing how the engine upgrade is going are directed to follow a forum thread dedicated exclusively to tracking the upgrade progress.