Dielectrophoresis-Enhanced Plasmonic Sensing with Gold Nanohole Arrays. Manage your online orders and purchase settings, Get full access to download all documents, Dimerization of Bovine Serum Albumin As Evidenced By Particle Size and Molecular Mass Measurement, Pharmaceutical instrument qualification service. Students performed this calculation, obtaining a value of 125 nm3. Towards Tunable Protein-Carrier Wound Dressings Based on Nanocellulose Hydrogels Crosslinked with Calcium Ions. Selective binding of naphthoquinone derivatives to serum albumin proteins and their effects on cytotoxicity.
The mean diameters of the prepared BSA nanoparticles were 125, 393, and 713 nm; those of the Ca-BSA nanoparticles were 260, 353, and 919 nm. I used the term "nanometer" (or nm) with abandon. ► Difference in manufacturing processes affects particle properties. Racetrack micro-resonators based on ridge waveguides made of porous silica. Design and Fabrication of Streptavidin-Functionalized, Fluorescently-Labeled Polymeric Nanocarriers. Dependence of dansyl‐BSA anisotropy on the viscosity of the solution. The histogram shows a fairly “clean” sample with only 0.5% of the sample volume being made up of aggregates. Being the most abundant serum protein in bovine blood, which is a byproduct of the cattle industry, BSA is a relatively cheap and easily accessible compound. Sizing protein-templated gold nanoclusters by time resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay measurements.
Bovine serum albumin shows a natural tendency to dimerize under stress conditions, with BSA dimers displaying a molecular mass of 132 kDa. However, these values are significantly higher than δexp = 0.4, the degree of hydration experimentally determined by NMR [13]. ► Size-controlled BSA nanoparticles are prepared by similar manufacturing processes. An excellent review on the principles and applications of fluorescence polarization [17] has been recently published. Measuring rotational diffusion of macromolecules by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The electric vector of the excitation light and the absorption dipoles of randomly distributed fluorophores are shown. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, As ethanol addition increased, desolvation of BSA molecules resulted in formation of loose-structured particles with pH-dependent size. Non-specific interactions between soluble proteins and lipids induce irreversible changes in the properties of lipid bilayers. In an earlier post I explained how to tie the process in nanometers to a chip's size …
They do this by tracking which websites visitors go to. Phase behavior of mixtures of oppositely charged protein nanoparticles at asymmetric charge ratios. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: Packing and dynamics of a protein solution approaching the jammed state. Characterization of partitioning behaviors of immunoglobulin G in polymer-salt aqueous two-phase systems. for the shopping cart), others help us make our online content better and easier for you over the long term via analysis, external media, and marketing services. Equation 7 can also be used to calculate the volume of the hydrated BSA molecule (Vh) from the values of Mr, v2, δexp, and v1o. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Alkali induced unique partially folded state of bovine serum albumin: qualitative and quantitative insights. The full-length BSA precursor protein is 607 amino acids (AAs) in length.
The viscosity coefficient at 20 °C of glycerol‐water solutions are plotted as a function of the glycerol concentration (c). From this value, a Stokes radius (Rs) of 3.39 ± 0.27 nm is derived for the BSA molecule. This information is used to improve the website. The difference between this value and that previously calculated for the hydrodynamically equivalent sphere (V) can be explained in terms of either a slight molecular asymmetry of BSA [12] or the involvement of dimer monomer equilibrium [16]. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. Necessary cookies enable the basic functioning of the website. A second‐degree polynomial was fitted to these data, obtaining the following equation: η = 0.000867 c2 + 0.0191 c + 1.007. where v2 is the partial specific volume of the macromolecule, v1o is the specific volume of water, and δ is the degree of hydration.