We do this by using quality ingredients and providing excellent customer service to all who visit our establishment. Those who are not team oriented cause morale issues and become burdens to their fellow co-workers. These attributes are skills that enhance the employees ability to fulfil their job requirements so they are appealing to the employer. The importance of communication may be a given or seem obvious, but it truly is the foundation for prosperity in any field of work. He works towards achieving the goal of the project on a broader aspect. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from https://newyorkessays.com/essay-important-qualities-of-good-supervisor/, Save Time On Research and Writing. An employee who contributes to the team and can lead it toward overall success is a good employee. Good essay I should say. This again contributes to their fit within the company’s environment. An employee that is not dependable can cause overtime issues as well as conflicts with co-workers. A good employee takes pride in themselves as well as his or her place of employment. A good employee’s communication has to align with the tone and goals of the company. Also I would like to say that an employee should be a challenger. Employers will often pay attention to an interviewees small talk to affirm that the person is able to make polite and appropriate conversation with employers and colleagues (Daum).
They will be able to better collaborate with coworkers, better learn from superiors, and more accurately carry out any instructions they are given. A Flair for the Dramatic/Selfish Machines by Pierce the Veil. 11. Sometimes she’ll even use her favorites to spy on other employees. She works hard and treats employees like valuable assets to the company. Lag Measures: Price of wood materials…, The perfect employee does not exist but employers can look for certain qualities in potential employees. She expects them to tell her what the others are saying about her. I have really struggled with this essay. It is not the only reason I should say.I think that the main reason is that the boss does not share equally all his or her employee. Sometimes she’ll even use her favorites to spy on other employees. I think your essay is quite good, but I also agree with your professor that you could have more details/explantation in your last paragraph.
Thank You for your insight.
This can cause a lot of bad feelings among employees. This promotes good morale among her workers, and this is of great benefit to her business. If they don’t, you might want to start your job search for an employer who does. She doesn’t single out one employee for better (or worse) treatment than the others.
Another quality of a good employee is motivation and the ability to take initiative.
Hard Worker. Are they the correct degree of professional? Success is not achieved alone, it is always created with the contribution of others.
An efficient employee never hesitates to take up responsibilities and also goes a step beyond the call of duty to meet the set goals and solve the approaching difficulties. A good boss evaluates her employees on a reasonable set of criteria, not on how she feels about them personally. 15 Qualities of the Perfect Employee Candidates who have these qualities should definitely make your hiring short list. Sign up today. 21. But yes, more details in the last paragraph would be a good idea.
She expects them to tell her what the others are saying about her. A willingness to learn by mistakes made and the mistakes of others will only improve the overall performance of an employee.
Most Importantly, a good supervisor sets the standards for her employees by her own behavior. Yes, the money... but another factor which make employee motivated to work is good cooperation. Lead Measures: Employee Turnover; Employee Absenteeism; Production Cycle Time; Raw Materials Store Time; Delivery Cycle Time; Finished Goods Store Time; Inspection Time; Raw Material Inty Levels; Rework Time; Finished Goods Inty Levels; Scheduled/Unscheduled Downtime; Number of defective products; Number of scrap; Raw Materials Processed; Average unit cost; How about receiving a customized one? Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? A good boss treats all her employees fairly. In a recent survey by CareerBuilder, they found that 77% of employers consider soft skills (the more common, personality-based attributes) to be as important as hard skills (the job specific, learned abilities) and 16% said soft skill were actually more important (Poll). She also doesn’t get angry with an employee who Is confused and needs her to explain the directions again or more fully.