English magazines are great for learning Englishbecause they are portable (you can carry them around with you), have short articlesand are usually written in easy-to-understand language. If that's not possible, make a couple of copies and hang them in the classroom for other students to look at. Let your students have a look through them. Starting a project from scratch can seem a little daunting to begin with so here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to make a class magazine. You can also encourage students to look for information at home, on the internet etc. Collect all the sections and work with your class to decide on the order they will go in. Our method to learn a language from the youngest age, Our approach to learning a language for an adult, 6 Tips to manage an oral test successfully, 5 reasons to choose a teacher at home over online lessons, 5 Tips to Encourage Your Children to Learn English. Each original article is written at three levels of difficulty: beginner (level A1-A2), intermediate (level B1-B2) and advanced (level C1-C2. Making a class magazine should be an enjoyable experience for you and the students and it will also give you a chance to stand back a little and observe your students in action. Elihas a whole bunch of magazines made for kids and young adult students at different levelsof English learning. No level of English is necessary to appreciate it, it is primarily an introduction to the language of Shakespeare.
Ask your students if they would like to make a magazine in English. Vocable is without a doubt the most well-known bilingual magazine. These items are rated from 1 to 3 stars depending on their difficulties, and the complicated words are translated and explained. Vocable deals mainly with world political, economic and cultural news as well as various social issues.
© BBC World Service, Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4PH, UK, Activities for using magazines in the classroom, ARM exercises - speaking activity to wake up a sleepy class, Take a survey on teaching speaking in online environments, Panel discussion: Developing expertise through experience. Download free English magazines Sample downloads. In fact, the reading level of most English magazines is around 6th grade, making them ideal for English learners. Want to test an original approach? Vocable deals mainly with world political, economic and cultural news as well as various social issues. Organising the project. Set a date where everyone must bring their completed work to class and try to stick to it. You may even inspire your other groups to make one too. You could do a class survey on magazines at this stage or simply chat to your class about the type of magazines they like. Negotiate with your students about how long they will need to produce their section and allow sufficient class time for you to be able to help each group with their section and provide language input and error correction. Go english also proposes to validate your progression thanks to different quizzes available on its online platform, Go Digital. You are a school or a company and would like to hire a language teacher? This review deals mainly with cultural and cultural subjects from the English-speaking world. I am looking for private lessons for children, My child is in Kindergarten/Primary school, My child is in Middle School or High School, I am looking for private lessons for adults, Business English trainings in your company, GMAT preparation and Top Engineer & Business schools. If you have access to a computer room you could really make a professional looking magazine but don't worry if you don't, a homemade looking one can be just as good. Speaking-Agency, your favorite agency for babysitting and foreign language classes, makes it easy for you to find 5 of the best bilingual magazines according to their content! You should be available to guide them and offer support and advice but it will also give you a chance to find out more about their interests which will help you to plan for following lessons. Vocable is without a doubt the most well-known bilingual magazine. On the board brainstorm the different sections that magazines have. Having said that, if your students get really into it and are producing good work you could always extend the deadline if you think their time is being well spent. Only downside, to date the magazine has only 4 numbers. Ask students for ideas for a name for the magazine and hold a class vote to decide on the name. Students can now make a contents page and a cover for their magazine.