He stopped by a property under construction where he engaged in no illegal activity and remained for only a brief period. [263] He signed into law the Car Allowance Rebate System, known colloquially as "Cash for Clunkers," which temporarily boosted the economy. [27] Many student papers refused to sell him ad space; at some schools, papers that carried his ads were stolen or destroyed. [32], In 1963, Dunham met Lolo Soetoro at the University of Hawaii; he was an Indonesian East–West Center graduate student in geography. [201], On April 4, 2011, Obama announced his reelection campaign for 2012 in a video titled "It Begins with Us" that he posted on his website and filed election papers with the Federal Election Commission. [363], In December 2011, Obama instructed agencies to consider LGBT rights when issuing financial aid to foreign countries. ; 4 children), This page was last edited on 26 September 2020, at 13:03. [60] Obama's mother was survived by her Kansas-born mother, Madelyn Dunham,[61] until her death on November 2, 2008,[62] two days before his election to the Presidency. His speech was well received and elevated his status within the Democratic Party. Horowitz worked as a columnist for Salon. "[59] Obama has a half-sister with whom he was raised (Maya Soetoro-Ng) and seven other half-siblings from his Kenyan father's family—six of them living. His mother, Ann Dunham (1942–1995), was born in Wichita, Kansas; she was mostly of English descent,[10] with some German, Irish, Scottish,[11][12][13][14][15] Swiss, and Welsh ancestry. [148] He addressed another anti-war rally in March 2003 and told the crowd "it's not too late" to stop the war.
In his first few days in office, Obama issued executive orders and presidential memoranda directing the U.S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq. [355] On June 4, 2009, Obama delivered a speech at Cairo University in Egypt calling for "A New Beginning" in relations between the Islamic world and the United States and promoting Middle East peace. "[377], In June 2014, following the capture of Mosul by ISIS, Obama sent 275 troops to provide support and security for U.S. personnel and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. [64][65][66], Obama lived with anthropologist Sheila Miyoshi Jager while he was a community organizer in Chicago in the 1980s. [541][542] Obama left about 8,400 US troops in Afghanistan, 5,262 in Iraq, 503 in Syria, 133 in Pakistan, 106 in Somalia, seven in Yemen, and two in Libya at the end of his presidency. [401] Netanyahu strongly criticized the Obama Administration's actions,[402][403] and the Israeli government withdrew its annual dues from the organization, which totaled $6 million, on January 6, 2017. is a product of the Howard University School of Law, which consistently produces the world’s leading Black attorney’s such as Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Former Mayor Kasim Reed, Former Governor Douglas Wilder, civil rights leader and former Presidential Advisor Vernon Jordan and the nation’s first African American female lawyer, Charlotte E. Ray. He is a founder and president of the think tank the David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC); editor of the Center's publication, FrontPage Magazine; and director of Discover the Networks, a website that tracks individuals and groups on the political left. [12] In January 1966, Horowitz, along with members of the Trotskyist International Marxist Group, formed the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign. Don't just activate yourself online, change requires strategy, action, organizing, marching, and voting in the real world like never before". [337], Obama called the November 2, 2010 election, where the Democratic Party lost 63 seats in, and control of, the House of Representatives,[338] "humbling" and a "shellacking.