In later Welsh Arthurian literature, Gawain is considered synonymous with the native champion Gwalchmei; Gwyar (meaning "gore"[2] or "spilled blood/bloodshed"[3]) is likely the name of Gwalchmei's mother, rather than his father as is the standard in the Welsh Triads.
Her daughter, Elayne, eventually takes the throne. She seduced Arthur only to have leverage over him.
Morgause was born into one of the noble houses of Camelot, the house of Gorlois. Combined with the fact that she doesn’t appear as a full character until the 1400s leaves a lot of space for interpretation and may explain her sudden appearance. Many believe she was part of Morgan Le Fay’s character and perhaps a spelling error or typo was responsible for the division, creating a new character in the Arthurian lore. Years later, her spouse joins the failed rebellions against Arthur that follow in the wake of King Uther's death and the subsequent coronation of his heir. google_color_text = "000000";
Honestly I picked theory 4 soley because everything else is just so darn complicated it and adding adulterey to list of horrible things Uther has done would make even the 9 year olds question why Merlin was protecting such a jerk.
The Queen of Orkney, today best known as Morgause /mɔːrˈɡeɪz/ and also known as Morgawse and other spellings and names, is a character in later Arthurian traditions.
has a minor, but important role in Arthurian legand, and is frequently blurred She remained with her family until she was about ten years old, at whic… Her name, however, was Anna. Morgause was the half-sister of Morgana Pendragon; it is currently unknown if she had any other siblings, however this is more on the unlikely side. by Morgause herself, and she using their son Mordred as a tool to destroy his whose only real sin is her adultery. Morgause was the half-sister of Arthur who married Lot. I thought in the series it was implied by Morgause (or Uther?
Salt is probably trying to get her to go outside as you read this bio.
Thanks for making it =). In some versions of the legend, including Thomas Malory's 15th-century text Le Morte d'Arthur, she is the mother of Gawain and Mordred, both key players in the story of King Arthur and his downfall. google_ad_width = 728; google_color_link = "000000"; Also it gives the oppurtunity of adding new characters to the story which Merlin seems to love. She was merely a wife, mistress, and mother. Dans la légende arthurienne, Morgause ou Anna, reine d'Orcanie et fille d'Ygerne, est présentée comme la sœur de la Fée Morgane, ou comme la sœur du roi Arthur, cumulant parfois les deux statuts.Elle porte parfois le nom de Morcadès.. La légende.
She was the mother of Sir Gawain, Gaheris, Agravain, Gareth, and Mordred. History of character is unknown. The characters could have been one and then split through some typo, error or intent to create two complete characters. It is implied that Morgana's mother V… is one of the three daughters of Igrayne and the Duke of Cornwall, so a half-sister Making her Morgana's half-sister. No matter what text is read, Mordred is synonymous with treason. The corresponding character of Arthur's sister in Geoffrey of Monmouth's 12th-century Latin chronicle Historia Regum Britanniae is named Anna, and is depicted as a daughter of Uther Pendragon and Igraine. I really wanted Morgause to be Ygraine's sister, so I like this theory A LOT. That statement is also among the most powerful statements in this entire thread. As the wife of King Lot she became the mother of Gawaine, Gaheris, Morgause was slain by her son Gaheris who found her in a relationship with Sir Lamorak, whose father, Pellinore, had slain Lot. A website devoted to the Historical and Legendary King Arthur.
Her son Gaheris catches them having sex, and proceeds to decapitate Morgause due to her lack of chastity. She is portrayed by Malory as a generally "good" character" I am a strict adherence of the Laws of Television Genetics. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Morgause / m ɔːr ˈ ɡ eɪ z /, also known as Morgawse and other spellings and names, is a character in later Arthurian traditions. Jen Pretty lives in the great white North on a farm with her husband and 3 children.
Apparently, he had a thing for magical women.
was conceived. In this story, Morgase is the weakest channeler of magic but is a queen non-the-less.