“But there’s no access to tickets on any Democratic site that we could see,” Kiley said. Genius must always have lapses proportionate to its triumphs.” Max Beerbohm, “Dan Leno,” Saturday Review (November. Here’s an excerpt. Democrats claim to be the party of the middle class and the little guy, but in case you haven’t noticed, that’s simply not true. Both are addressed to writers I admire. On the other were those who want art to claim its value and who feel like arts students should know better the value of art. Is Amy Coney Barrett The Right Choice For Supreme Court Justice? — Jess Bravin, Supreme Court Correspondent for The Wall Street Journal... Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. They … With tickets costing upward of $1,750, members of the debate audience were not shy about voicing their opinions of the Democratic candidates’ statements. * * * Geraldine Hughes gave a great performance earlier this year in the Irish Repertory Theatre’s webcast of Brian Friel’s “Molly Sweeney,” a “staging” so technically innovative and incontestably superior in... “Like all very wealthy women, Alice had strange cold pockets of miserliness.” Richard Stark, Flashfire Continue reading Almanac: Richard Stark on the cheapness of the rich at About Last Night.... “Like all very wealthy women, Alice had strange cold pockets of miserliness.” Richard Stark, Flashfire Continue reading Almanac: Richard Stark and the cheapness of the rich at About Last Night.... Three months ago, a CultureGrrl tipster wrote to me that the Brooklyn Museum’s board was about to vote on proposed deaccessions of seven works (which he identified by type, but not by specific objects), for a “combined total value of $50 million.” (The tipster never identified himself to me, and... Kayleigh McEnany (aka Baghdad Bob or Comical Ali) and the Clown King do their thing. We invite you to become an American Lookout insider. Is there an alternative? On one side of the debate, there were those who said the low prices were a way of coping with the prevailing circumstances in our economy. Their next debate is in Charleston, South Carolina and if you want to attend, it’s going to cost you a lot of cash. 'He did not believe that men were born good, and he admitted original perversity as an element to be found in the depths of the purest souls—perversity, that evil counsellor who leads a man on to do what is fatal to himself precisely because it is fatal and for the... Connee Boswell sings “Basin Street Blues,” “Nobody’s Sweetheart,” and “Rockin’ Chair” (with Woody Herman) on a 1950 episode of The Ed Sullivan Show: (This is the latest in a series of arts- and history-related videos that appear in this space each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) Continue reading Just because: Connie Boswell... “Only mediocrity can be trusted to be always at its best. On the other were those who want art to claim its value and who feel like arts students should know better the value of art. Shouldn’t the tickets to this event be free? First Presidential … Here's our Privacy Policy. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Here’s an excerpt. . In today’s Wall Street Journal I review an Irish Repertory Theatre webcast of Geraldine Hughes’ Belfast Blues. The designers of The New York Times Magazine are at it again. Is there any joy in watching this debate? DUMB AND DUMBER Actor Still Pushing Lie That Trump Takes Orders... Trump Celebrates Backing Of Law Enforcement During Campaign Event In Middletown,... Democrats Growing Concerned About Biden As First Debate With Trump Approaches.