( Log Out / Spend time looking at each card carefully and jot down your first impressions of each card. A deck can soon be easier to use without struggling for interpretations or meanings that can frequently happen with a new deck (such as drawing blank when a new image on a tarot card in a new deck – happens to me.).
Designed in Canva. I find that my angel oracle decks are shuffled and selected intuitively much differently than my usual tarot decks. It took me several months of daily study to get to the point of instant recall, but you may find it goes faster or slower for you. Spoiler alert: It’s pretty boring.). An unused tarot deck is a lonely one, in my opinion. Your email address will not be published. I won’t go into detail about how to clear the energy from a new deck here, but there are probably lots of ways already listed online if a search is done. Stacey is a psychic tarot reader, Reiki Master, Animals & Pets Reiki Practitioner, Chakra Healer, Crystal Healer, and eclectic witch who works dark moon/dark goddess magick and spirit guides. If you don’t have one already, or the deck(s) you have simply don’t speak to you, start by searching some random ones. A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about how to connect with your Tarot deck in three easy steps.. If nothing speaks to you, keep looking. Remove and unwrap the cards from the box. Once you’ve become fluent enough to start charging for your services, think long and hard about whether or not you really should. and use our favourite Tarot deck to answer the questions. Candle Spell Reading: What does the Flame, Wax and Soot mean?
you can use the Rider Waite Smith Tarot OR a deck of your choice for the challenge – it is up to you. In the beginning, I carried my deck wherever I went. ” Pingback: Design a Tarot Spread: Ideas, prompts and exercises to get you started – Tarot with Jenny. ( Log Out / It's not a bad idea to clear and cleanse your Tarot deck and charge your Tarot cards with loads of good, pure energy! Do you feel that certain decks like to shuffled a certain way or that you select cards different with certain decks? (One of my favorites of all time is The Housewives Tarot. Steps to Breaking in a New Tarot Deck. This is why it’s so important that you choose a deck that jives with your intuition.
(Skeptics arguably make for better learning experiences than believers anyway.). Familiarity of a tarot or oracle deck is like coming home every time that you use it. If you really want to get connected with a new tarot or oracle deck, practice with it every single day. Essentially, it’s a conversation about your potential working relationship, where you can discuss the deck’s strengths and limits and discover the best way to approach and use these cards. Forming a personal connection with your tarot or oracle deck can unlock and open your intuition deeply, to go deeper into the meanings of the cards and ourselves.