A simple but attractive dish for everyday!
4 eggs, beaten I liked the addition of cheese. Diet for a Small Planet (20th Anniversary Edition), Recipes for a Small Planet: The Art and Science of High Protein Vegetarian Cookery by Ellen Buchman Ewald (1973-08-01), Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet, Diet for a Small Planet: The Book That Started a Revolution in the Way Americans Eat. 2 t caraway seeds I think its just as good!Submitted by: STLBMSHELL, Low fat, low carb meal with lots of flavor and only 4 ingredients!Submitted by: 2CATCRIB, A surprisingly moist cake with great flavorSubmitted by: STANGSTER, A sweet and fruity rum drink that's perfect for the holiday season!Submitted by: KYBOURBONGAL413, I used to LOVE ice cream floats when i was little, and this one is awesome, but without most of the sugar and all of the fat!Submitted by: MISSVYKY, Easy, cheap and so much better for you!Submitted by: KARIEDAWAY, Atkin's recipe for an egg custard which is yummy for dessert or breakfast.Submitted by: CD4419646, Robin Miller, Quick Fix Meals, Food NetworkEasy recipeModified to be Low SodiumSubmitted by: 60SIXTY, This lightened up version of berry cobbler has just three ingredients. Date tried: February 9, 2018 Now, here is Ms. Ewald's long-awaited cookbook, basic and complete, containing hundreds of delicious, body- and planet-conscious recipes for better health, ecology, and above all, better eating.
4 cups finely chopped onions, sautéed in olive oil Baking in the early morning was a new adventure for me. The sesame breading on the fried tomatoes is wonderful! Another family favorite slightly adapted from our beat up old paperback copy of Recipes for a Small Planet (page 167). Ingredients: wholewheat flour; rye flour; yellow cornmeal; soy flour; wheatgerm; unsweetened coconut; sesame seeds; sunflower seeds; rolled oats; peanuts; honey. I use my cuisinart to grind the walnuts. Yield: 16 muffins The dressing is best sweet. boo hoo -- can't find my copy of the book and I really wanted to make this for a friend -- anyways - it's very good~.
n Ewald was an inspiration for France's Moore Lappe's successful nutrition regimen, outlined in DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET. Bake for 35-40 minutes — pop some sweet potatoes for a nice complimentary side! Recommended as a breakfast, a lunch or a dessert, but can also be used as a side to the main course with less sweetening. Nut Loaf has been one of Connor’s favorite dinners ever since he was very small, as long as it’s served with cranberry sauce. Sometimes I make the Parmesan Rice crust (if I have left over rice) or use a pre-made crust, or a pat-in crust... and any kind of cheese that is lying around- it really lends itself to veggies and greens you have on hand. Time needed: 20 minutes + time to chill. I usually make it with just yogurt, sometimes thinning the sauce with the pasta water. "Simple-elegant cheese pie". Time needed: 45 minutes. Now, here is Ms. Ewald's long-awaited cookbook, basic and complete, containing hundreds of delicious, body- and planet-conscious recipes for better health, ecology, and above all, better eating.