She has white but it’s not really in a way that can be defined as either stripes or patches. There were neighbors who let their cats out, and I let mine out for a couples years. These cats have lived great lives and are so intelligent.
You have the right idea, letting her roam around while still supervised. They also have no interest in taking up residence in my home. but love her to bits !xxx.

play with her fellow cats. In the Colorpoint Shorthair, unlike most Siamese, the points may show evidence of tabby striping as well as tortoiseshell patterns limited to the points. The term "purebred" is not used by breeders or the cat fancy in general but is a popular term among the general public. Cats, both pedigreed and domestic, come in a rainbow of colors and patterns. A beautiful, intelligent cat, the Colorpoint Shorthair is a cat of physical extremes from her angular head and tall ears to her glossy coat. Your every-day non-pedigreed cat may be described by various terms: Polydactyl cats, also called "polydacts" or "Hemingway cats" are sometimes confused as a "breed," however they fall under the domestic cat category. A cat door was added and they accepted living there. She had been raised as an indoor outdoor cat end it was cruel to keep her confined indoors. Your email address will not be published. She’s this really odd blue grey colour. When she went missing I was very sad to think something might’ve happened to her but it makes me even sadder to see her deprived of doing the things that she loves. Sprinkle a tiny bit of fish oil or fish oil blend over their food at every feeding – that will make their fur truly luxurious. Plus it is wonderful that (1) you have a garden and (2) your cat is well-behaved and hangs around you when you go outside. The parent must be affectionate to the Colorpoint, and some time should be spent playing with her every day. They have all lived pretty long, happy lives. Two blue cats genetically can not have a black kitten. There are currently over 70 breeds of cats recognized by one cat … Here’s What You Can Do. Look at a Munsell chart. For example, white cats can have blue, yellow, gold or odd eyes. She is medium sized, but nicely muscled, even more so than the Siamese. These two factors put you squarely in the small minority of cat owners. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Why is this website randomly inaccessible from outside the United Sates? “Any cats that have inherited the piebald-spotting factor can have odd-eye color — one blue eye and one golden, yellow or greenish eye,” Miller says. Yeah, though, it can happen but some neighborhoods are safer spaces with a lot of backyards and front lawns with porches and bushes. Cookie Consent Tool, Dominican Republic - República Dominicana, Greater China - Hong Kong SAR – (English). My shy, timid Persian (a rescue) got out a couple of years ago. I live in a cabin in the woods. She also gets good food and groomed. Also, when an adult cat with a solid coat lies in bright sunlight their underlying tabby pattern can often be faintly seen.” The tabby pattern includes the characteristic “M” marking on their foreheads and four basic types: The point-restricted pattern gene gives Siamese and related breeds their pointed pattern, or a light-colored body with darker colors at the extremities. The cat fancy — or the community of feline enthusiasts, cat show judges, breed registries, breeders and others who study and adore felines — gave us these designations to make it easier to identify cats. I finally had to rip them out and was heartbroken. Roo lives on the bed in my bedroom and hates having to share his bed with all the others. We need to consider if the things that we do to our animals are really for our animals are for ourselves. This is called the ‘Van’ pattern referring to the cats found in the Lake Van area of Turkey centuries ago.”. Breeds, "Purebred," and Pedigree.
The Colorpoint Shorthair, as elegant as she looks, can be quite a lap cat. Stealing is stealing! a pedigreed Siberian Cat Your email address will not be published. With cat colors, people love to talk about bicolored cats, which are white and any other color. In heavily populated areas with lots of traffic OR heavily forested, remote areas, this could mean death by misadventure for a domestic cat.