Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the. A dominant defense allowed the Falcons to stop the offense from scoring. The British were formerly dominant in India. Wharfedale have always been a difficult side to beat and Saturday was no exception as the Yorkshire side sought to attain dominance up front. hypothesized gene of typical cerebral dominance. 176+10 sentence examples: 1. In 1996 Nintendo's dominance in the gaming industry faced stiff competition from the Sony PlayStation. Et, dominant le tumulte, la voix du colonel qui hurlait :.
Did we mention dominance in the last section? There are 17 towns classified as highly segregated in terms of dominance, and they contain 78% of the province 's urban population. Self - control in children refers to their ability to suppress a, 116. dominance hierarchy among the species on your feeder? The supernatural claims of these pulpiteers to dominance in matters public or private were the main cause of a century of war and tumult. The station was found in order to fight back to the media conglomeration 's dominance of US media. The Team defense had become dominant last year and he was definitely the star. You need to re-establish dominance over her, but in a fair and loving way. , Losing their momentum in the final quarter, the once dominant team ended up on bottom. Behavior that reinforces gender order, asserts male dominance, and diminishes women is everywhere. dominance of supermarket and chain stores. In the end, when she falls in love with a human prince, her father comes through and helps make all of her dreams a reality -- but not before the evil Ursula tries to make her dreams of dominance under the sea a reality! 91. Breaking the bread was seen as the breaking of the bride 's virginal state and to assert his dominance over her.
The relations and projects play a dominant role. They do not represent the opinions of Some scholars suggest the penis sheath functioned as a threat or dominance display in battle. Hissing, arching the back, laying back ears, etc., are all communications between animals negotiating their position in the dominance hierarchy. ‘He argues that historically the reaction of lesser states has been determined more by the potential power of the dominant state than by its actual behaviour or avowed intentions.’ ‘Geopolitics, history and common sense all indicate that a dominant power chooses its own policies without being influenced by the special wishes of others - however friendly.’ This dovetailed neatly into lines by Kipling from the days of Britain's own imperial dominance.
Maternal condition, dominance, and sex ratio in ungulate mammals. dominance dimension will, of course, be measured by LD. , A dominant defense allowed the Falcons to stop the offense from scoring. This dominant hepatic fibrosis with minimal renal involvement leads to portal hypertension and varices. Competitiveness or dominance by itself is not necessarily indicative of low peer acceptance.