by fax or email. Must be a resident of Ohio at least 30 days immediately before the election you want to vote in. Real-time Analytics and Voter Statistics in Ohio. Ohio voters declare their party affiliation by the partisan ballot they choose in a primary election. In-person voting will only occur on April 28 and only at boards of elections early vote centers, not at precinct polling locations. It was just an unbelievable task that we were asked to do, but we did it,” Kelly said before the vote. If you do not have any portion of the required information. State law allows people to request absentee ballots until noon on the Saturday before the election, but she said that often does not leave enough time for the request to be received and a ballot mailed out before the election. In 2012, the primary turnout was 21.2 percent and in 2008 it was 48.6 percent, she said. As lieutenant governor, filled unexpired term. However, due to the large number of close elections that year, the General Assembly was delayed in qualifying governor-elect. Postal Service as an avalanche of ballots came through the mail. Print out an Application for Absent Voter's Ballot (Spanish) and send it to County Board of Elections. Names, residence address, mailing address, address of last registration, … Click. If you will be 18 on or before the general election, you may vote in the primary election to nominate candidates, but you cannot vote on issues or party central committees until you are 18. Among those issues: the state legislature chose to not allow boards to automatically send ballots to all registered voters; difficulty getting word out to people about how to get ballots in time; and communicating with the homeless and others about their options. If a voter has moved but did not update their address, the voter may apply for a ballot and will receive a provisional ballot by mail from the board of elections. Political party affiliation trends based on location. Additionally, a person who has twice been convicted of a violation of Ohio's elections laws is permanently barred from voting in Ohio. Harsman said 103 registered voters who had not requested ballots but showed up to vote on a provisional ballot were told that if they voted their votes would not be counted. County elections officials and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose wanted the mail-in election to be moved to June 2 but the state legislature refused to adopt that recommendation and would only let LaRose send a notification card to voters, rather than absentee ballots. Mental Competency: Not declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court. Before voting to certify results the board reviewed absentee and provisional ballots that the paper ballot scanner had rejected due to markings made in pencil, damage to the ballot, markings in margins or other issues. A college student may vote using his or her Ohio school residence address if the student does not intend to return to a different permanent address. Deciding how to vote:, Track your Ballot: The Independent voted to give the Democrats control of the Senate Presidency and the chamber. If you will be 18 on or before the general election, you may vote in the primary election to nominate candidates, but you cannot vote on issues or party central committees until you are 18. Felony Convictions: A person currently serving time in jail or prison for a felony conviction can neither register to vote nor vote.