1660s, "urgent," a back-formation from exigency or else from Latin exigentem (nominative exigens), present participle of exigere "to demand; drive out, drive forth." https://fr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=exigent&oldid=27834496, Wiktionnaire:Prononciations phonétiques manquantes en anglais, licence Creative Commons attribution partage à l’identique, Royaume-Uni (Sud de l'Angleterre) : écouter « exigent, Cet article utilise des informations de l’article du Wiktionnaire en anglais, sous licence. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. Cependant, « exigent » correspond à la troisième personne du présent de l’indicatif du verbe « exiger ».
The site has become a favorite resource of teachers of reading, spelling, and English as a second language. Related: Exigencies (1650s). Apparentés étymologiques [modifier le wikicode] exigence; exigency; exigently; Prononciation [modifier le wikicode] (Royaume-Uni), (États-Unis) : \ˈɛk.sɪ.dʒənt\, \ˈɛɡ.zɪ.dʒənt\ Royaume-Uni (Sud de l'Angleterre) : écouter « exigent [Prononciation ?] Texte intégral, sans publicité ni brimborions. It is professional enough to satisfy academic standards, but accessible enough to be used by anyone. Définition, avec … a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms.
exigent \ˈɛk.sɪ.dʒənt\ Exigeant , urgent, pressant. This page was last edited on 21 April 2020, at 10:43. 2003, Working Group Report on Detainee Interrogations, U.S. Department of Defence 1.1.1. © 2012 - CNRTL 44, avenue de la Libération BP 30687 54063 Nancy Cedex - France Tél. Cet adjectif, qui signifie « sévère, dur, qui demande beaucoup », doit être écrit avec un « a » après le « g ». Exigeant. Caractère ou prétention de celui qui exige, qui se montre exigeant.. Il est d’une exigence insupportable, ridicule, d’une extrême exigence. Meaning "state of being urgent" is from 1769. EXIGENCY Meaning: "that which is needed," from Middle French exigence, from Latin exigentia "urgency," from exigentem… See definitions of exigency. exigent (comparative more exigent, superlative most exigent) 1. » From Latin exigēns, present active participle of exigō (“demand, require”). exigent (adj.) Article 2 also provides that acts of torture cannot be justified on the grounds of exigentci… : +33 3 83 96 21 76 - Fax : +33 3 83 97 24 56 La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 22 avril 2020 à 02:19. exigence \ɛɡ.zi.ʒɑ̃s\ féminin. exigent (comparative more exigent, superlative most exigent), exigent (masculine and feminine plural exigents), Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, Working Group Report on Detainee Interrogations, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=exigent&oldid=59189531, English terms derived from the PIE root *h₂eǵ-, Requests for review of French translations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. exigeant, eante : Qui est habitué à exiger beaucoup... Définition dans le Littré, dictionnaire de la langue française. ; Il pousse trop loin l’exigence.
1580s, "that which is needed," from Middle French exigence, from Latin exigentia "urgency," from exigentem (nominative exigens), present participle of exigere "demand, require, enforce," literally "to drive or force out," also "to finish, measure," from ex "out" (see ex-) + agere "to set in motion, drive, drive forward; to do, perform" (from PIE root *ag- "to drive, draw out or forth, move"). Rien ne peut satisfaire son exigence. Urgent; needing immediate action.quotations ▼ 1.1.