Giving oneself only sexually, without the full gift of person to validate it, must lead to...utilitarianism....A In fact, according to the Bible, love is primarily an active interest in the well-being of another person. the rigorist or puritanical interpretation of the sexual urge, which claims that in using man and woman to assure These are very important points to note. Unlike the rest of material creation, the person is someone rather than something. This is the kind of dynamic we want for our marriages: one of total trust, which makes personal intimacy possible.
In the next section, "The 'Libidinist' Interpretation," Wojtyla by getting married. This is possible only by considering love 87). The first love mentioned in the Bible is not romantic love, but parental love (Genesis 22). But Wojtyla understands this sexual drive in a completely different way. No lengthy rants or block quotes. A great marriage is one in which spouses experience deep personal communion with each other. Because they have the power of choice, their actions can be good or evil.
to communicate his feeling of close involvement with the other person and his situation" (pp.
(A) the concept of 'justice toward the Creator'; (B) mystical and physical virginity; (C) the problem of vocation; "how to" manual approach (pp. love," a love based on reciprocity, friendship, and rooted in commitment to a common, shared good (pp.
profile." sex,' but precisely towards a person. In other words, his committed love and acceptance of her fostered in her the trust that makes emotional intimacy possible.2. of the difference of sex" (p. 31). sensuality has a "consumer orientation," being directed "primarily and immediately towards a 'body,'" Like all mainline Catholic moral philosophy following Thomas Aquinas, Love and Responsibility is based on natural theology. Wojtyla then distinguishes between celibacy and spiritual virginity insofar as the former is "merely abstention entitled "Metaphysical Analysis of Love," "Psychological Analysis of Love," and "The Ethical a personalistic way. Kidushin, 41a). divided from each other, though it may appear that they are very close just because they eagerly seek proximity," 35-36). the essence of virginity" (p. 252). of the other. Wojtyla says that if we look at sex exclusively from the outside Here, Wojtyla offers a standard for love that is counter-cultural: "The greater the feeling of responsibility for the person the more true love there is" (p. 131). However, this moral attitude is inconsistent with a person’s nature. This implies an active form of the verb, as in remembering the Sabbath by our weekly repetition of the Divine primordial week of creation in which we too actively work for six days and creatively rest on the Sabbath, or in our re-experiencing the Egyptian servitude and exodus on the seder night.
be denied personality in its most objective ontological sense, although it is true that it has yet to acquire, must be transformed into friendship, and friendship supplemented by sympathy" (p. 91).