Starting in August and for the next 9 months, anglers can fish for adult hatchery steelhead in Idaho’s rivers. September 22, 2020.
Anglers interviewed near Challis in location code 18 averaged 42 hours per steelhead caught, and anglers interviewed upstream of the East Fork in location code 19 averaged 6 hours per steelhead caught.
As steelhead continue to migrate upstream anglers will find them in the South Fork Clearwater, Little Salmon and upper Salmon rivers.
Angler effort was highest downstream of North Fork in location code 15, but effort near the Pahsimeroi River and Challis, in location codes 17 and 18, increased as well. Steelhead angler effort increased again this past week on the upper Salmon River, and catch rates started to improve in the upstream areas. Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri), Seasonal Trapping/Hunting Report for Furtakers, General Season Deer and Elk Tags Available, Unclaimed / Leftover Controlled Hunt Tags, Duplicate Hunter/Bowhunter/Trapper Education Certificate, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Natural Heritage Program Technical Reports, Vintage Posters, Prints and Stamps for Sale. By Allison Lebeda, Joe DuPont, and Don Whitney. The table below shows stretches of rivers, current fishing status, bag and possession limits, and special restrictions. August 21, 2020 On Sunday, the river was clear upstream of the Pahsimeroi River and cloudy downstream. (See Fishing Brochure), On August 20, the commission modified fall steelhead possession and bag limits on the Salmon and Snake rivers. As of Friday, April 5, the Pahsimeroi Hatchery has trapped 1,068 hatchery steelhead and as of Thursday, April 4, the Sawtooth Hatchery has trapped 288 hatchery steelhead. In March to May they move from the Salmon and Clearwater rivers into smaller stream tributaries to spawn.
Select a river segment to see season status, Seasonal Trapping/Hunting Report for Furtakers, General Season Deer and Elk Tags Available, Unclaimed / Leftover Controlled Hunt Tags, Duplicate Hunter/Bowhunter/Trapper Education Certificate, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Natural Heritage Program Technical Reports, Vintage Posters, Prints and Stamps for Sale, Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri), Fish and Game Commission approves Clearwater Coho season and shooting hours for Upland Game Bird Permit areas, Upland Game, Furbearer and Turkey Seasons and Rules, Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), F&G Commission approves modified steelhead bag limits for Salmon, Little Salmon and Snake Rivers, Idaho's Steelhead Update: August 21, 2020, Findings from the Experimental Fall Chinook Fishery, Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Fishing guides collect data for University of Idaho steelhead research, Steelhead attempt to ascend Big Bear Falls in the Potlatch River drainage.
The River of No Return is the largest un damed rivers in the lower 48 and has hundreds of miles of natural spawning of wild Steelhead. This allows guides to quickly detect a tag and release the fish. Anglers interviewed downstream of the Pahsimeroi River confluence in location code 17 averaged 24 hours per steelhead caught. Angler effort downstream of Salmon was minimal and no angler interviews were obtained. Current fly fishing reports and conditions for Salmon River in Idaho! (See Fishing Brochure) On August 20, the commission modified fall steelhead possession and bag limits on the Salmon and Snake rivers.
Fishing for Coho on the mainstem Clearwater River downstream from Memorial Bridge begins immediately with fishing allowed 7 days a week. Steelhead Seasons and Rules General season rules apply, but bag limit restrictions are in effect in the Salmon, Little Salmon, and Snake rivers. Idaho steelhead are long distance swimmers and have been caught as far away as the Kuril Islands near the Asian coast in eastern Russia.
Press Release More information on traditional steelhead seasons will appear below soon. Steelhead Creel Estimates For the week of September 14-20, 2020 Snake River Section Locations Anglers Checked Hours Fished Fish Kept Fish Released Total Hours Per Fish Caught Hours Per Fish Kept Water Temp Water Conditions Snake River Downstream from Salmon River (01) 182 956 17 30 47 20 56 65° Young steelhead live in Idaho streams for 1 to 5 years, although most spend only 2 to 3 years. Meeting September 15 via conference call, the Commission approved a Coho season for the Clearwater River. More information on traditional steelhead seasons will appear below soon. Man-caused alterations in stream flow has made passage of this falls impossible for steelhead in most years. By Joe DuPont, The Experimental Fall Chinook Salmon Fishery in the Clearwater River: IDAHO’S STEELHEAD UPDATE In Idaho, we typically open the steelhead harvest season in the Snake and Salmon rivers on September 1 and allow a daily harvest of three fish.