They love being close to their humans - they will jump on your lap, nuzzle your chin or rub along your shoulders. Their photos were displayed in newspapers and the idea of a cat with wavy/curly hair was thought to be completely unique.
You may notice thinning hair around their neck and side areas. You may hear that the Devon Rex coat is hypoallergenic because of its texture, but that is not correct. But you will probably find them crying out when the prospect of food is not too far away!
She named the kitten Kirlee and it was thought that these Devon Rex cats shared the same genetic makeup as the Cornish Rex. The Devon Rex comes from the county of Devon in the South-West of England.
There’s also the Cornish Rex, which also comes from England, from the county of Cornwall. The Devon is highly intelligent and highly active. Expect him to be perched on your shoulder, at your side, or in your lap, avidly supervising everything you do. Breed Characteristics.
This cat was names Kirlee and he became famous as the beginning of the breed known as the Devon Rex.
Two distinct blood groups separate Devon Rexes, which can lead to feline neonatal isoerythrolysis if they are mixed.
They just want to be involved in anything that’s going on. Instances of baldness have also been recorded. There is no scientific evidence that any breed or crossbreed is more or less allergenic than any other cat. But before you make what can be a complex decision, you need to know more about factors like healthcare, personality, and feeding. If you are cold, he probably is too. Activity Level
You can always spot a Devon Rex at first sight!
High levels of inbreeding have also led to an increased risk of illnesses such as myasthenia – an autoimmune disease.
Generally, Devon Rexes are a healthy breed of cat, but there are some conditions in the breed to be wary of including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hereditary myopathy, which can cause tiredness and weakness in the muscles. | Powered by WordPress, Congenital hypotrichosis - hereditary baldness, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a form of heart disease, Malassezia dermatitis - yeast that causes ear infections but can be treated with antifungal, Urticaria pigmentosa - a skin related problem that causes crusty sores on the body, Devon Rex myopathy - an ailment that ranges in severity and causes muscle weakness. Color:Chocolate, White, Brown, Blue, Red, Black, Frost, Platinum, Cream, Cinnamon, Lavender
The irresistibly cute feline has three hair types, which includes down, guard, and awn.