For technical issues regarding this website, please contact 139 32nd Avenue (Behind Enterprise Rental) Fairbanks, AK 99701 United States (907) 452-2111 Stay tuned. Error! “I know originally when you put out the notice of having hockey on campus, not everyone but some people said positive things — how wonderful to get the students involved and they’re right on campus,” Head said. Community members listens as University of Alaska Fairbanks Chancellor Dan White hosts a community meeting … In 1979, a 1,300-seat ice arena was added on the west side of the center. The turnout included Nanooks hockey fans and supporters; Nanooks head coach Erik Largen and former head coach Dallas Ferguson (now an assistant coach at Denver University); former Nanooks hockey players; and UAF administrators, faculty and staff. Read more here. The building itself remained unheated until its 1980s renovation, with large portable space heaters normally associated with airplane hangars used on occasion in the winter, in an attempt to provide some heat to the facility during events.

Big Dipper Ice Arena 1920 Lathrop St Fairbanks, AK 99701 The Big Dipper Ice Arena, colloquially known as "The Big Dipper", is a multi-purpose arena in Fairbanks, Alaska. University of Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs Mens Hockey vs. University of Alaska Fairbanks Nanooks Hockey. Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. The Ernest N. Patty Building, known as the Patty Center, was dedicated in 1963.   An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. The Big Dipper Ice Arena, colloquially known as "The Big Dipper", is a multi-purpose arena in Fairbanks, Alaska. Low 43F. Reopening the Ben Boeke Ice Arena as a mass shelter will be an option of last resort, a city official said.

For more information regarding the training, development, and advancement of your young athlete - visit, Athletes can expect to skate at these rinks. Aaron Walling, a UAF graduate and sports anchor for KXD Channel 13, was in favor of returning Nanooks hockey to campus. When the Dipper was unavailable due to renovations, WEIO decided to hold their 2007 event at the Sullivan Arena in Anchorage, the first time it was held outside of Fairbanks. These friendships have already borne fruit.”, “ARENA gave me the knowledge and confidence to successfully apply for a grant, and a network of peers to call with specific project and administration questions. The ARENA 2020 program been postponed until 2021 due to Covid-19. The University of Alaska is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual. Don't just track it in your head - download this excellent tracker sheet and keep it updated daily!! High 56F. The arena is owned and operated by the Fairbanks North Star Borough. “I think the students will come.

Meeting peers from across the Arctic and traveling together built lasting connections that continue to inform my work today – perhaps more so now than ever.”, “The site visits enabled us to appreciate the commonalities as well as the differences between our regions, to get to know each other, our strengths and our interests, and to develop lasting friendships that are much more than professional networking. ); :

After receiving 33 applicants and conducting 20 interviews, 16 individuals representing four Arctic states were selected for the 2020 cohort.

Registration remains OPEN for the 6U/ 8U Developmental Program plus 10U and 16/18U House/ Recreational Teams.

"Our ASHA Board unanimously passed a resolution on Saturday, August 29, 2020 in full support of the retention the UAA hockey program and opposition to cutting the program for the reasons stated herein, and also because of our board’s strongly held conviction that your programs, and your players have had, and will continue to have a tangible and intangible positive influence on the strength and character of Alaska for years to come if only given the continued opportunity to do so.". Fairbanks Ice Dogs Hockey Club.

David Kilbourn asks about the cost estimates for the different project proposals involved for both the short term and long term plans as University of Alaska Fairbanks Chancellor Dan White hosts a community meeting Tuesday to discuss transitioning the Alaska Nanooks hockey team to the Patty Ice Arena Tuesday afternoon, June 18 2019 in the UAF Wood Center.