How then were the disciples to become one? When he prayed "that they may be one just as we are one," Yeshua was not praying for all believers to become a part of the Trinity. “They sacrificed to demons [lasedim] who were not God, to gods [elohim] whom they have not known, New gods who came lately, Whom your fathers did not dread (Deuteronomy 32:17).”. While revelation is progressive, the truths of theology remain constant over time. Many readers will know that the Old Testament affirms “Yahweh our God is one” (Deut 6:4) and frequently makes the … In other words, Yahweh is a unique God, but He is not alone. This would fit the use of elohim in this psalm better than would the heavenly council of elohim because it talks about judging orphans and the poor. Many Bible readers will not realize that several of these phrases occur in biblical books that affirmthe existence of other ʾelohim.For example, consider Deut 4:35, 39 and Deut 32:39. So many people share with me that they have never felt truly loved in their entire life, even though they have been married for decades, and have grandchildren. 2.3 Elohim. God needs elohim for the same reason the He needs people. Evil spiritual forces oppose God’s revelation and attack the inspiration of Scripture. Taking all those claims at face value, the contrast would be that just as satan sinned and  died, so also the elohim sinned and died. I agree that a council with God at its head is touched upon in the OT, but Psalm 82 is not the best evidence for it. The concept of a divine assembly of gods was long held by the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Canaanite, Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Nordic religions—and at the threat of shrugging such belief off as mere misguided superstition, the true religion of the Hebrew Prophets and Apostles also held to comparable views. Ugarit stoked the fire of pantheistic pagan cosmology. As born-again believers, baptized by Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, we love to glorify God through the study and application of His Word, the Bible. Clearly this is speaking of angelic beings, including those on the heavenly divine council. Paul referred to this group of spiritual entities in the sixth chapter of Ephesians: This Scripture clearly tells us that there are evil spiritual powers in the heavens that rule over mankind and oppose God's people. How do I find forgiveness? Deuteronomy 32:8-9 and the Divine Council Worldview of the Old Testament; Deuteronomy 32:8 and the Sons of God (academic) The Divine Council and Israel’s Godhead; Monotheism and the Old Testament Writers; Monotheism and Divine Plurality in the Old Testament (academic) Jesus and the Wisdom Figure of Proverbs 8 31-33). In Joshua 22:16, we read about “the congregation of the LORD (עֲדַ֣ת יְהוָ֗ה).” This phrase “the congregation of the LORD”  refers to the people of Israel alive on earth and obviously humans. The One God of the Old Testament revealed Himself as the God of loving-kindness and salvation from before creation. “As I continued looking,” he wrote of heaven, “a multitude of thrones were set up and the Ancient of Days took His seat amongst them.” While the “elohim” are indeed “sons of the Most High,” the contrast involves the differences between God and the “elohim.” The identify of the “elohim” would not necessarily affect that contrast, because the “elohim” are not God. In the first chapter, Heiser introduces us to “The Divine Council” worldview of The Bible, which is what he based his doctoral dissertation on. Deuteronomy 16:18-20 presents several problems for anyone seeing non-human judges in Psalm 82.