If you seek advice or assistance with the completion of your income tax return French tax accountants Roche & Cie have for many years specialised in a service for English-speaking clients. If you have any professional self-employment income declared under the réel systems, including the requirement of a declaration des résultats earlier in the year, as of this year these amounts should now be pre-filled on the main income declaration so you do not have to fill them in twice. In addition, it is for those who have made tax-exempt real estate investments eg, Pinel, Duflot, Scellier, Malraux.
The tax authorities state that this year there are improvements to the online declaration system allowing for simpler declaration of your worldwide income if you wish to make use of the option to be taxed on your French taxable income under the ordinary bands taking all income into account. worldwide net assets, although there are now exemptions It is also used to record capital gains on the sale of your main home (although exempt from income tax). Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. June 4, 2020 at 23:59 last deadline, for zone 1 (departments from 01 to 19) and for non-residents; June 8, 2020 at 11:59 pm last deadline for zone 2 (departments from 20 to 54); By 11 June 2020 at 23.59 hrs last deadline for zone 3 (departments 55 to 974/076). With the inntroduction of a PAYE (pay as you earn) system – the 2020 budget includes the income tax bands and rates for both 2019 and 2020.
The form generally mirrors Form 1040. If your changes result in an increase in your tax liability, you may be liable for an interest charge on the outstanding tax, but only if the amount exceeds 1/20th of your previous imposition. Form 2042 RICI - Réductions d'impôt /Crédits d'impôt. For the 2019 return (2018 income) we have also prepared some basic guidance for those who wish to declare rental income from furnished lettings in France and for those who are registered as micro-entrepreneurs, which you can find at: We have published an Income Tax 2020 Newsletter Special, giving advice on how to make a French income tax return on 2019 income, which you can find at French Income Tax 2020. Those business owners who have adopted the régime réel are also obliged to report separately their results by the use of Form 2031 for BIC earnings and Form 2035 for BNC earnings. the following dates. It is the same date for those who use a société civile immobilière (SCI). To obtain new forms you need to go on-line at Impots.gouv.fr to obtain Form 2042, as well as any supplementary forms you may need. Departments 01 to 19 (zone 1) - 4th June; Departments 20 to 54 (zone 2) - 8th June; Departments 55 onwards (zone 3) - 11th June. You can use this form if you were born before January 2, 1955. This information is intended to complement the information in our French Income Tax 2020 helpguide. Non-residents only pay Wealth Tax on their other financial investments. News analysis, features and practical help for English-speakers in France, The Connexion uses necessary cookies to help us provide you with a better user experience. There are also new boxes on the 2042C complementary declaration (section 2, revenus des capitaux mobiliers) for declaring amounts linked to cashing in an assurance vie policy that you have held more than eight years in order to reinvest it in one of these plans. We advise you either read this update in full, or at least consult the section headings for those that apply to you. Residents of France are subject to Wealth Tax on their For manual filing, an additional 10 Euros is added to French and international investment bond withdrawals (including assurance vie gains). The closing date each year by which the time the tax declaration needs to be submitted to the French tax authority varies by department. Extended due date for furnishing 2019 Forms 1095-B and 1095-C. Notice 2019-63 extends the due date for furnishing the 2019 Forms 1095-B and 1095-C from January 31, 2020, to March 2, 2020. Those without internet are also exempt as are those in those areas where there is no mobile phone coverage. If you declared on-line then the rectification process is easier as you simply need to amend the figures initially submitted, provided you do so by the closing date when on-line changes are permitted, which is normally mid-July each year. OK The submission service is a… The email address of the office for non-residents is: The quality of service offered by the SIPNR has been the subject of a severe report from the French national audit office, which you can read about at Non-Resident Tax Service Not Fit for Purpose.