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The right amount of protection for you depends on where you are in life, who depends on you, and your earning power. Your monthly premium and the death benefit will not change once you sign the paperwork. 0000005639 00000 n 0000060520 00000 n 78 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000004915 00000 n iii All whole life policy guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. 0000008846 00000 n Whether you decide to get term insurance, purchase lifetime protection with permanent insurance or combine the two for customized protection – taking the time to understand the unique benefits of each is the first step toward a confident future.
Consult your tax, legal, or accounting professional regarding your individual situation. And it can be a great starting point for securing protection for your loved ones. 0000063460 00000 n But, young adults are in the very best position when it comes to purchasing a life insurance policy. You may even think that life insurance is only for recent parents or mid-aged people.
Life insurance is reassurance that you can live life to the fullest knowing your family will be financially secure if you pass away. Universal life gives you flexibility in the premium payments and the duration of the policy but with that flexibility comes unknowns. , Figure out how much you need and what it could cost, Traditionally, people obtain this coverage through their employer, hence the term “Group Benefits.”. Use our calculator and find out if term life insurance is the right option for you. Employer-provided insurance can be used with any insurance you buy yourself. The advantage is employees pay lower premiums and, in some cases, receive better coverage than if they purchase insurance on their own. �6X� �[Z$u�Wt A��Rb� Our Guardian c… 0000007842 00000 n
Since our founding in 1860, our long-term view has helped our customers prepare for whatever life brings whether starting a family, planning for the future or taking care of employees. 0000022503 00000 n As of 2018, it ranks 239th on the Fortune 500 list of largest United States corporations by revenue. Life insurance can help protect your loved ones financially by providing a death benefit (the tax-free payment) to your beneficiaries if you pass away. 0000009895 00000 n You’re diagnosed with a terminal illness that meets the definition included in your policy. h�b```b``Y�����Y� "�@Q�_ I�a�� 5� � �>��Xl�7�42+�H0��1bh_���0��1����M��e�Z�.i�0�����}�'v��m��h�:�����/�V�M���d�6���b���_"�f.�j|HE�̶�|Μ��j-�T�;�ɶ{��� �j�z���4d�� O�K� 9�n� �f�]���xB�ehiy�a����?�GfC���מ���c. 0000005750 00000 n 0000059983 00000 n
Simply, there are several types of life insurance – term and permanent.
78 39 Depending on your needs, you may want the affordability of term life, which replaces your income and is most often used for temporary, short-term needs like your mortgage. All life insurance policy guarantees are subject to the timely payment of all required premiums and the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
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Term life insurance benefits.
Together with your Financial Adviser, you decide how long you want your policy to last and the amount of cover you need - that's the amount we pay out if you die.
Whole life policies stay with you for life and pay out to the beneficiary or beneficiaries upon your death. H��Mn�0��>�.`U$���u 0000024481 00000 n _m]/�/'��ٔ2��b� &�0����5���P����ձ���xm��ѭA�d�u�� ���-�'� r6܊ endstream endobj 85 0 obj <>stream What are the benefits of term life insurance? 0000742088 00000 n 0000001792 00000 n
0000003106 00000 n ��S�M�~ 67���=�>��6�'�'0�b�2`�fP�������eʘv�i!�3����b����\>H0�3HpG. Our Life Protection provides a financial payout to your loved ones if you die while your policy's in force. Term policies can last anywhere from 5 to 30 years, and you might even be able to get a policy through your employer at a lower group rate.