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A single GST/HST registration covers the GST and HST in all relevant provinces.

Northwest Territories- If you live in the Northwest Territories you pay/charge only 5% GST, 7.NovaScotia- If you live in NovaScotia you pay/charge 15% HST (5% GST and 10% PST), 8.Nunavut- If you live in Nunavut you pay/charge only 5% GST, 9.Ontario- If you live in Ontario you pay/charge pay/charge 13% HST (5% GST and 10% PST), 10.Prince Edward Island- If you live in Prince Edward Island you pay/charge 15% HST (5% GST and 10% PST), 11. Join our Sage City community to speak with business people like you. The map below illustrates this graphically: But the more important (and difficult) questions are which Canadian sales taxes to charge and when?
Selling to BC?

How to Register for the GST/HST . The tax rates among the provinces change over time, so it is vital for Canadian small-business owners to stay up to date on all rules and regulations regarding their companies. The answer to ‘how much GST/HST do I pay?’ depends on which province you live in. These are provinces and territories that are classified as “participating”. Are the goods imported in Canada? For example, if you bought a brand new condo in Vancouver for $500,000, your GST would be calculated as: If you bought a brand new condo of the same price in Toronto, your HST would be calculated as: Now, there’s one of two ways you’ll have to pay this: with cash on closing day, or through your mortgage. British Columbia Expands PST Registration Rules, Non-Residents Registering for Canadian Sales Tax, Thang Tax Law Welcomes Summer Student Nicholas Shatalow, Quebec Sales Tax Proposals Target Non-Resident E-Commerce, What Do Tax Changes Mean? A single GST/HST registration covers the GST and HST in all relevant provinces. You might already use an income tax calculator to manage your personal finances, the key difference with this CRA calculator is that it is intended for businesses and calculates GST, PST, QST etc. For the GST, a company must apply before the 30th day following the day it made its first taxable sale. The widgets are generally used by businesses in production. It sells some widgets directly through its website, but mostly through a few local independent distributors. For provinces that split GST from PST (such as Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan) a “No PST” checkbox will appear. Identifying the current Canadian sales tax rates is easy. Canadian Sales Tax Calculator (GST – HST – PST). For more information on how Sage uses and looks after your personal data and the data protection rights you have, please read our Privacy Policy. Desktop accounting software connected to the cloud. The amount of GST/HST credit you receive depends on your individual (or family) net income and number of children under age 19 in your household.
Press “Calculate” and you’ll see the tax amount(s) as well as the grand total (subtotal + taxes) appear in the fields below. can be different across Canadian territories, so RFQs coming from different regions may ask you to add the tax or subtract it. A simple internet search will bring up the current rates.

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Every time you make a purchase then you generally have to pay at least one of these taxes. This tax is managed by the Canada Revenue Agency and results in a 5 percent charge on supplies purchased in Canada unless they are zero-rated or exempt. It is important to remember the date your business was registered with the CRA, as it determines when that reporting period will take place.

There are many ins and outs of these specific taxes to keep in mind as you move forward with your company and determine what tax to use with specific clients.