The Turkish Van is a longhair breed with a bushy tail. Stains can be in different colors: red, kashtanov0krasnye, pale black. Other piebald cats that have been selectively bred for many generations to achieve similar markings are said to be “van-patterned” after the breed that originally sported it. If you have access to a river or lake, you may go on your own to bathe or fish.
The Turkish Van is recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), the world's largest cat organization. Join us at Companion Cat World and get a membership card, savings, and fun events! There are few copies that are original. This breed was recognized Europe in 1969. Control of feeding at a certain age is necessary, especially in animals that are sterilized. Coat color: It is very different from other cats, admits orange spots on the head and tail, but the neck is white. These rare cat breeds all have unique features. Although this feline is much appreciated, it has now dramatically reduced its breeding in its native area. These are proud, thoughtful cats that are a nice choice for a quiet household preferrably without dogs or children. Turkish Vans, despite their robust size, can be a little timid and may be very sensitive to loud people or rough handling. Turkish Van – a rare breed of cat that is characteristic of a highly original color: color between the two ears, symmetrically arranged spots, between which there is a small gap, the so-called track. The breed is a healthy one and the unique coat does not lend itself to matting, so they require little grooming. It is a relatively common pure-bred or "pedigreed" domestic cat breed. Provide paraffin or malt to help expel the hair balls. Although both are from Turkey, they have physical differences and developed in different geographical areas. These are long, muscular, large-sized cats that have few breed-related health issues, but deafness is common in blue-eyed individuals, and in odd-eyed cats may occur in the ear on the same side as the of the blue eye. The waterproof coat is long in the winter with a thick ruff around the neck, then sheds out profusely in the spring to become neat and short, with just the feathers of the tail remaining full. Known as the "swimming cat", the Van truly enjoys water in many forms, and will play and swim happily to the astonishment of onlookers. Click on the image to see it in full resolution. Long guard hairs shed out heavily in the spring and active grooming is desired. They should be wide-set and powerful. its name of the feline is originally from Lake Van in Turkey, but its territory extends in countries like Armenia, Iran, Iraq and Turkey. The spots can also be red, cream, black, blue or turtle. Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age.
Avoid feeding it more than 35 calories per pound it weighs, since a female cat should weigh between 7 to 12 pounds, whereas a male cat should weigh between 10 and 20 pounds. It is very important physical activity you have, to avoid falling into obesity.
This magnificent feline specimen, can have a Life expectancy from 13 to 17 years. This breed was newly recognized in 1969 Europe, although it is a race thousands of years ago. Many people think that the Turkish Van and the Turkish Angora have some relationship, but they do not have any. They are very intelligent as well as curious and make very rewarding companions in the right home. Brush twice a week, although no knots are formed. Although both are from Turkey, they have remarkable physical differences and developed in different geographical areas. Getting to live more years, the most important thing is that you live healthy and happy. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air.
In 1980 he took the first Turkish Van to the United States for breeding. In this section you can find images and photos of Gato Van Turco. The coloration of the Turkish Van, which is considered by many to be the original breed to carry the piebald gene, calls for a white, semi-longhaired cat with colored markings restricted primarily to the head and tail. They get along very well with children and other pets. In reality, the Van and the Angora are distinct breeds that developed in geographically distant regions of Turkey.