Now how do I get that ***** Cortana to open it for me by voice!
Finally, users on everything but Mac can press "Ctrl" and "Shift" before pressing "O" to open up the Bookmark Manager in Chrome.
This does not effect our editorial in any way. Now, it isn't at all uncommon that a user will close a tab on accident or discover shortly after closing it that it's still needed. As with the reasons for searching the History page, sometimes it's difficult to locate a previously downloaded file or image. That makes it easier to open up new tabs without having to reach for the mouse or trackpad and either open up the three-dot menu or click the "Plus" icon. Your email address will not be published. And closing out tabs or minimizing windows can be a hassle with a trackpad — or even a mouse in some circumstances. Incognito tabs obviously won't show up in the History, for instance. How to configure the Chrome Incognito Killer to close the tabs opened in incognito mode automatically?
For Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS, the process is fairly simple.
I really appreciated the incognito icon you’ve provided for us! That puts the focus on the Omnibox, allowing users to just type in the search or website URL without ever having to touch the mouse or trackpad.
Doing so, however, requires that the user first launch the browser and then initiate a new Incognito Mode session with via Chrome’s menu or a keyboard shortcut (Control-Shift-N for Windows and Linux, Command-Shift-N for OS X).If you find yourself frequently entering Chrome’s Incognito Mode, you can save a step by creating a dedicated Chrome shortcut that launches the browser with Incognito Mode already enabled.In all supported versions of Windows, this can be easily accomplished with the addition of a command line option to the Chrome shortcut. This method also works for opening a new tab in Incognito. Sometimes, opening multiple tabs or getting buried deep in any task makes navigating with the mouse and clicks impossible. Beginning with how to hide or reveal the bookmark bar, that's set on a toggle. As might be expected, sometimes a tab will be closed and then needed again later on. The tabs re-open in the order that they were closed. Just as pertinently, it can be a pain to use the mouse to set a new bookmark, to begin with. On macOS, users need to hold "Command" and the "Option" key before pressing the right arrow to go through the next tab. These shortcuts can help you browse the web more efficiently … Incognito Mode is useful for hiding a user’s browsing activity from other local users of the same computer, such as when shopping for a secret birthday gift, conducting private business on a friend’s computer, or looking at adult content.