Play the first round of game play as a class by having a volunteer select and drag the keywords she or he would use. © 2017-2019 Website | Sitemap, The Complete List Of How-To Tutorials For Internet Dummies, 15 Basic Internet Lessons To Teach Your Students – Free To Use And Adapt, Advertiser Tracking Cookies: There ARE Ways To Opt Out – Here’s How, Black Friday 2020: Website Builder & Web Hosting Deals For Webmasters [Updated], Why Got Hacked (Yes, You Can Blame Social Warfare), E-Mail Etiquette: 12 Basic Rules For Politely Using E-Mail, Live Chat Software: Should You Invest In It?

This page has numerous links to helpful web resources.

Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8 In this internet searches lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 3-8, students use BrainPOP resources (including a free online game) to practice identifying keywords that result in relevant information for a given internet search.

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As a whole class or in small groups, have students brainstorm a list of keyword strategies for obtaining good search results. Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. Afterward, discuss why certain keywords would be more effective than others. About this resource. Lesson Plans With more and more of the world's content online, it is critical that students understand how to effectively use web search to find quality sources appropriate to their task. 40+ 5th grade technology lesson plans and activities for the entire school year that will make a great supplement to your technology curriculum. Think of these as mini- web quests. The Innovative Educator has information about an upcoming webinar on teaching web search strategies.

Scholars discuss purpose of search engines, define World Wide Web, become familiar with website addresses, demonstrate understanding of site updating, create a list of topics about which they would like more information, and visit at... Learners search using the Boolean search model. Evaluating Online Information →. An all-in-one learning object repository and curriculum management platform that combines Lesson Planet’s library of educator-reviews to open educational resources with district materials and district-licensed publisher content. Loading... Save for later. In this February facts Internet hunt worksheet, learners use search engines and linked websites to answer 30 questions about topics from all subject areas.

Student Setup: 1. When would you use a directory? Year 7 Searching Task Answers. Third graders in a gifted class discover how to search the internet for information. Search smarter! Internet Searching Worksheets With this set of worksheets students will search the Internet for answers to a variety of questions. How To Search The Web – A Lesson Plan With Discussion Questions And Answers For Teachers. Read more. Select keywords that help find relevant information in internet searches.

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