The scenario also calls for a ten-fold increase in heat pumps installed by 2050. While the health crisis and oil price slump may suppress emissions in 2020, a rebound would restore the long-term trend. „Global Renewables Outlook. transformacji spółek energetycznych i górnictwa węglowego. Raising regional and country-level ambitions will be crucial to meet interlinked energy and climate objectives. w 2030 r. i 87 proc. The Covid-19-enforced global slowdown has provided momentary relief for the environment. W opracowaniu pt. IRENA will make its best efforts to protect the confidentiality of this information, although does not warrant the confidentiality or security of such information. - Największe spadki zużycia miałyby miejsce w przypadku węgla, o 41 proc. rocznie, utrzymując oczekiwany wzrost temperatury znacznie poniżej 2°C”. Choć droga do całkowitej dekarbonizacji wymaga nakładów inwestycyjnych w wysokości do 130 trylionów USD, korzyści społeczno-ekonomiczne tych inwestycji byłyby ogromne – wynika z raportu Międzynarodowej Agencji Energii Odnawialnej (IRENA). The inaugural Global Renewables Outlook was released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in April 2020. Nicholas Wagner is a Programme Officer, IRENA. © 2011-2020 IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency. This comprehensive analysis outlines the investments and technologies needed to decarbonise the energy system in line with the Paris Agreement. This is the largest ever recorded year-on-year reduction, six times greater than the 2009 declines attributed to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Transforming the energy system could boost cumulative global GDP (gross domestic product) gains above business-as-usual by USD98 trillion between now and 2050, according to IRENA. By providing this information, you agree that IRENA may contact you from time to time, including to provide you with surveys. IRENA releases first Global Renewables Outlook. Removing the last third of global emissions is difficult to eliminate and costly, says IRENA. “I hope sincerely that this new publication helps to show the way,” says Francesco La Camera, director-general of IRENA. The inaugural Global Renewables Outlook was released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in April 2020. A report on the impact of Covid-19 on global energy demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in April 2020, projects the world’s CO2 emissions will fall by 8% this year — to levels last seen a decade ago. IRENA’s “Transforming Energy Scenario (TES)” offers a climate-safe pathway based largely on renewable energy sources and steadily improving energy efficiency. In 2010, following the GFC, CO2 emissions recorded the highest year-on-year increase on record. Incremental GDP growth of 2.4% by mid-century equates to an additional USD98 trillion — outrunning the investments required to transform our energy system. Low-carbon investment would significantly pay off, the agency says, with savings eight times more than costs when accounting for reduced health and environmental externalities. w 2050 r. W swojej analizie IRENA wskazuje, że inwestycje niskoemisyjne przyniosłaby nawet ośmiokrotnie wyższe oszczędności niż poniesione w tym celu koszty. Addressing such challenges soon will be crucial to achieve net-zero emissions in the second half of the century. Our flagship quarterly publication, F+L Magazine, features insightful articles on the latest trends, issues and developments in the fuels, lubricants, additives, base oils, and related industries. 2.1 Jobs and skills 2.2 Gross domestic product 2.3 Welfare 2.4 Conclusion . Beyond crisis: Renewable energy for a low-carbon future. An accelerated decline in costs sees electricity become the central energy carrier by 2050 in TES reaching 50% share of final consumption, up from 20% today. Over the past decade, global energy-related CO2 emissions have risen by 1% annually and the negative impacts of climate change are becoming more pronounced. Even if we choose this ambitious pathway, IRENA submits that energy-intensive industries, shipping and aviation will continue to be heavy emitters of CO2 by 2050. Lebanon could realistically and cost-effectively obtain 30% of its electricity supply from renewables by 2030, the study finds. * The designations employed and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Renewable Energy Agency concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. w 2050 r. – czytamy w raporcie. To help shed light on the type of transition that is required, IRENA’s Global Renewables Outlook (GRO) 2020 report, released in April, revealed that Southeast Asia could meet about 41% of all its energy needs from renewable energy by 2030. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) within the Paris Agreement framework only deliver 40% of renewable electricity deployment needed by 2030.